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Thread: How long does a Biometric ID???

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  1. #1
    Respected Member LeoLady's Avatar
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    Biometric ID it looks like a license card. its odd that until now you haven't received your biometric id yet, usually they followed the biometric id after you received your passport and visa approved about 3-7 days. since that was 4 weeks ago don't stop to call the immigrations about it until you get it..
    Lift everything to God and He will make a way

  2. #2
    Member milesaway1113's Avatar
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    Hi Bluebirds and Leolady!

    Thank you for replying. I do appreciate it very much. Yes, we will phone them again today. Just wondering if there is another number that would be direct? Is there any situation/intances that one is really not meant to have Biometric ID???

    @Leolady: How's everything in your part? Keep me updated. Just keep praying everythings runs smoothly.....

  3. #3
    Respected Member LeoLady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milesaway1113 View Post
    Hi Bluebirds and Leolady!

    Thank you for replying. I do appreciate it very much. Yes, we will phone them again today. Just wondering if there is another number that would be direct? Is there any situation/intances that one is really not meant to have Biometric ID???

    @Leolady: How's everything in your part? Keep me updated. Just keep praying everythings runs smoothly.....

    still waiting for it. yes i am praying that everything will be alright.. my friend says that after she received her documents with the letter saying that her application approved then after 3 days she received her BRP(RC).. Good luck
    Lift everything to God and He will make a way

  4. #4
    Respected Member LeoLady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milesaway1113 View Post
    Hi Bluebirds and Leolady!

    Thank you for replying. I do appreciate it very much. Yes, we will phone them again today. Just wondering if there is another number that would be direct? Is there any situation/intances that one is really not meant to have Biometric ID???

    @Leolady: How's everything in your part? Keep me updated. Just keep praying everythings runs smoothly.....

    hopefully it will goes smooth for me and just praying it will be alright.. this is the number 0300 123 2412.

    What should I do if my biometric residence permit is not delivered?

    If you have not received your permit 10 working days after the date on your letter from us extending your permission to stay in the UK, you should phone us on 0300 123 2412. You cannot ask about undelivered permits in person at our public enquiry offices or biometric enrolment centres.

    Your biometric residence permit will be securely delivered by courier to the address you have provided to us. On delivery of your permit you will be required to sign for it and show identification such as your passport or driving licence. If you are not present when the permit is delivered, the courier will leave a calling card containing contact details so you can rearrange delivery. You must contact the courier as soon as possible.

    If you do not rearrange delivery the courier will send you a reminder letter. If you still do not rearrange delivery of your permit the courier will attempt a second delivery. If you are still not present and the courier is unable to deliver your permit to you the UK Border Agency will be notified of the failed delivery.

    We will then send a reminder letter to you advising you to contact the courier as soon as possible to rearrange delivery. Your biometric residence permit will be held by us until you make contact to request delivery, or until it reaches its expiry date.

    If you do not contact us and your biometric residence permit reaches its expiry date the permit will be cancelled and destroyed. You would then have no permission to stay in the UK and we will send a second letter to you informing you of this and advising you that, if you intend to remain in the UK, you must make a fresh immigration visa application and a new appointment to provide your biometric information.

    Lift everything to God and He will make a way

  5. #5
    Member milesaway1113's Avatar
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    Hi again Leolady,

    Just be patient in waiting for your papers. Waiting really is the tricky part of it because it stress you a little bit and scares you a bit, but It will be alright. Is it FLR???

    Thanks for the info. And Yes, ive been through and read those info you posted and that is where i got their number. Me and my husband was trying to contact and it is very hard to get through to them. But anyway, im talking of patience.

    keep in touch and cheers!

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