This page explains how you can ask us to transfer your multiple-entry visa or residence permit (known as a visa, 'leave to enter' or 'leave to remain') from an old passport or travel document to a new one.
If your old passport contains a multiple-entry visa or residence permit, we can transfer that visa or residence permit to your new passport when the old one expires.
You do not need to transfer your visa or residence permit to your new passport.
If you choose not to transfer your permit, you should carry both your old and new passports when you travel to the UK - this will prove to our immigration officers that you have the right to be in the UK. If you cannot produce your visa or residence permit when you arrive at our border, you may not be allowed to enter the country.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your travel documents are up to date and valid. An immigration officer will decide whether to let you enter the country, based on the evidence you produce.
If you do transfer your residence permit, the new residence permit may look different from your old stamp. The UK residence permit has replaced all former stamp and ink endorsements for permission to stay in this country for longer than 6 months.
Applying from inside the UK
We cannot transfer your residence permit to your new passport at passport control when you enter the UK. If you can prove that you are entitled to live here, the immigration officer at your port of entry will put a date stamp in your new passport. You must then send us an application form asking us to place a residence permit in your new passport. You must be in the UK when you make this application.
The pages on completing the NTL or TOC form and supporting documents contain more information about the application process. You should also read the detailed guide in full before you complete your form. We will not refund your application fee if we refuse your application or if you withdraw it.
- If the residence permit in your old passport says that you have permission to settle permanently in the UK (called 'indefinite leave to remain'), you must apply for a 'no time limit' (NTL) stamp using form NTL. You can download this form and a detailed guide from the right side of this page.
- If the residence permit in your old passport says that you have permission to be in the UK for a limited period (called 'limited leave to remain'), you must apply for a 'transfer of conditions' (TOC) stamp using form TOC. You can download this form and a detailed guide from the right side of this page. You will also need to apply for a compulsory biometric residence permit.
Applying from outside the UK
You can also apply to transfer your visa to a new passport while you are outside the UK. You can download the application form from the right side of this page.
The application form lists the supporting documents that you must send with your application.
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More information
- Transfer of conditions (NTL or TOC) - fee for applications made in the UKClose These are the fees for applications to transfer a visa or residence permit to a new passport, using application form NTL or TOC.
Fee if you are applying by post: Main applicant £216
Fee if you are applying in person: £648
Partner or child aged under 18 (if they are applying at the same time as the main applicant): £108 for each family member included on the main applicant's application form (by post), £324 for each family member included on the main applicant's application form (in person)- Transfer a visa to a new passport - fee for applications made outside the UK