I didn't make it public before, but I would like to let everyone know about the birth of our son Vincent.
He was born on the 18th November 2011.
I was due to fly to Phils in the 13th Dec but when there were complications I changed my flights to be with my wife. I was not able to be there on the day, but Vincent decided to arrive 6 weeks early. He was 2.1kg at birth and kept in an incubator for a few weeks. My wife recovered well after I arrived and I was able to look after them both in those special few weeks after the birth.
I have just returned from Phils after 2 months and it has not been easy to leave them. Our son is beautiful and my wife is a wonderful mother.
I would like to thank everyone who sent their best wishes to us over the period that I was away and over Christmas and New Year, you know who you are and we really appreciated your kind thoughts.
For me, as a Moderator on this great forum, I just wanted to share our happiness with everyone. Just remember that all things are possible, and when you meet the right person miracles can happen. Never give up on your dreams.
I hope you enjoy the photos below