Thanks for the replies folks and the offers of help from Marie and Juvyjones. I've been thinking about it a bit more and I know what you mean about the risk of eruptions etc from an active volcano, it does seem strange to want to live next to one let alone ON one!! I think we'll end up going for a look though I've a feeling it'll be overly expensive considering the location and the exchange rate!!

Juvyjones - that is a good rate for apartments, actually I'm amazed at the price, i'd have thought they'd cost alot more considering the location. Do you know how much a 3 bed furnished house would cost to rent on average?

Marie - Thanks for the offer for help, I think my wife and I will be looking to move sometie towards the end of the year. Maybe october - december time. I'm asking this early so I can start to plan things out.

The other place I was thinking about (though I have to perseude the wife) is peurto galera. Does anyone have any ideas about this place?

Thanks again everyone