Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
yep ,, the " red tops ", or more exactly their proprieters, will be happy, they got everyone bitching about the poor immigrant, ripping off the tax payer, when in reality the money which they scam is hardly enough to pay for one yacht in the harbour of Monacco , or one luxury pad in the Bahamas !!!!!!!!!
Dont have a go at the rich Whilst they may avoid paying personal income tax where they can (which is wrong), they own business' in the UK which employ millions of people who all pay tax and NI into our system, money the government use to run our country. If the rich didnt own business' in the UK and employ people there would be no one working and the country would go bankrupt pretty soon.

I'm no lover of the millionaire bankers and billionaire business owners who avoid taxes, but they do play a vital function in the UK economy. I'd far rather we had these employing people than the alternative - No work for anyone or we become a communist country and head back to the dark ages