Quote Originally Posted by Neu75 View Post

I haven't been here long but I do log on to have a look around.

To be honest, I see a lot of threads/posts showing intolerance towards immigrants.

As an English man who has a Philippino partner, I would have thought that a lot more relaxed attitude would be shown towards immigrants

It seems that some people here (no names mentioned ) are not enlightened by their situation with Philippinos.

What do you think?
Hmm, missed your post somehow.
I'm sorry to learn that's your impression and feeing. I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but hey, we're all different.
Maybe you're just drawn to reading posts that focus on emotive and political issues that will usually involve strong opinions.

One of the issues with freedom of speech is that you often need to develop a thick skin and feel confident in your own frame of reference.

There are a great many threads and posts that focus on issues concerned with visa applications, life in UK and life in Philippines.
Just my opinion, but I get the feeling that most members here are optimistic and excited about life and new experiences and willing to share that with others.
That's what I like about this forum, it's respectful informative and loyally supported with good humour.
Well that's my opinion anyway. Obviously you have your reasons to find a different theme, and well, that's OK too.

This is a pretty cool place for all those people with common issues, interests and challenges. It's a great place to make new friends and learn new things
and Without such a diverse membership it would certainly be a bleaker place. Long may it continue

A special interest community forum like this is just like a neighborhood. Neighbors help each other, support each other, but never DEMAND from each other.
To do that would eventually mean that one does not have any neighbors that can be counted on in the future. We want to avoid that. If you don't like the topic or the freedoms expressed don't read it, if you have no motivation to comment or contribute then don't, it's a free choice. But don't expect to shoot down those diverse and passionate members who wish to express and debate their view without getting some honest feedback

Diversity is the spice of life.... Right?

In our forum (our online community) we try to focus on giving, helping and sharing.
We should all help each other, right?

I do hope you'll stop by once in a while and like everybody else jump in if you're interested or if you can help from your experience.

Try to avoid politics and religion

I usually do.