Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
vodafone alone owe 16 million in unpaid taxes, which they show no intensions of paying , i dont know the exact figures, but i bet that is more than all their employees put together pay in tax annually !!!!
16 million, i suspect that Vodafones employees pay far more than that

You're really missing the point here. All companies in the UK who employ people also have to pay an average of 14% NI on their employees earnings, this is in addition to any corporation tax they pay on profits and also in addition to the 12.8% NI the employees pay on their middle band earnings and of course the income tax they pay. I'm not bothered if the owners of these companies live in Bermuda or the Caymans and don't pay income tax themselves. The Employers NI which is levied on companies adds tens of billions a year into the UK treasury which is far more than their own personal tax would be.

Private sector employers are the only organisations creating wealth and adding to our economy, public sector employers spend the tax money that is generated by the private sector.

Whether any of us like it or not, the economy needs billionaire entrepeneurs to invest in businesses in the UK and employ people in the UK. If foreign domiciled UK business owners withdrew their UK investments, unemployment would head towards 10 million very quickly.

What are you suggesting? nationalisation of every single business that employs more than 10 people, communism, or anarchism