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Thread: APPLICATION FORM "How to" "What to"

  1. #1
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    APPLICATION FORM "How to" "What to"

    Hi... I am ... well we are having a hard time filling up the application form, do we really need to fill up every question? Like for example .. How long do I intend to stay in UK... characters are limited I have to think of shorter way to say that I intend to stay there for as long as my husband stays there :P I put there " as long as my spouse"

    Then until when you intend to stay in UK and the option is to put a date? How do I know what date and how long :P

    wahhh please help on how I should answer all the questions to the form.... I am filling the online application....

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokenpieces View Post
    Hi... I am ... well we are having a hard time filling up the application form, do we really need to fill up every question? Like for example .. How long do I intend to stay in UK... characters are limited I have to think of shorter way to say that I intend to stay there for as long as my husband stays there :P I put there " as long as my spouse"

    Then until when you intend to stay in UK and the option is to put a date? How do I know what date and how long :P

    wahhh please help on how I should answer all the questions to the form.... I am filling the online application....
    Which application form?
    Which question number?

  3. #3
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Hmmm many questions, I am using the EEA Family Permit Application VAF5

    One of the example is the one I mentioned above, How long do I intend to stay? When will I leave UK? The thing is how can I tell when will I leave, for as long as my husband is there but it needs a date answer and we cannot move to the other questions to answer other questions first or leave this blank it seems that all questions are mandatory.

  4. #4
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    Ah OK,

    This VAF5 form is so very badly designed. UKBA use it as a generic 'one-size-fits-all' form without any explanation of the differences in category of application.

    The form can make it look as though there are more requirements than there are, also the online form may deviate from the paper from slightly.
    The EEA Family Permit is applicable whether you want to visit the UK for a short trip or even for taking permanent residence.
    It asks question relating to all sorts of different situations instead of just specific requirements.
    Personally I feel there's a lot of questions on that form that goes so far beyond the spirit of EU Treaty right that it may actually violate European law, but that's just an opinion of a grumpy old man.

    If you have any desire to read the full UKBA 'Internal Guidance' then it's here

    To answer your questions:-

    1. Enter a date that you believe will be the very earliest you plan to go. Your visa will be dated from that date when you say you want to travel (Family Permits are supposed to issued very quickly)

    2. Enter any date for leaving, say 4-6 months from the date you plan to enter UK.
    The EEA Family Permit for the EEA-national partner will be issued for 6 months. During that time you will be expected to apply for a Residence Permit from UKBA.

    Actually the specific date does not matter. You will not be an overstayer. You can stay as long as you want. personally I would suggest you apply for the residence permit once you arrive though.

    I'm sure there are other parts of the form where you can actually write that you intend to stay in UK with your husband permanently.

    If you feel uncomfortable with my reply, please feel free to check with UKBA or specialist immigration advisor.

  5. #5
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    hi terpe thank you so much for your help and the thing is the online form so hard to answer coz the character you can type in i so limited and you have to answer every question or else it won't continue to the next page I will continue answering again and thanks for your help

  6. #6
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    HI hope someone can read this what do I use to submit my documents for application? folder or envelope? do I have to put a name on the envelope or folder? what do I need to use?

  7. #7
    Member Stephen550's Avatar
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    Hi, my g/f was recently granted a six month visitors visa,, all our surporting documents were in a folder with a contents list at the front, I think if you supply all the information in a folder, in a format that maybe followed easly this will help a lot with your application, including 12 months bank statements I sent about 50, A4 sheets of information and letters, the more information you supply the better your chance of obtaining a visa,,,, good luck.

  8. #8
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    thanks so folder it is

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokenpieces View Post
    thanks so folder it is
    Yep that'll be OK
    For EEA route it really makes no difference, the visa is a 'right'.

    Let us know how it all goes for you. Best of luck brokenpieces

  10. #10
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Hello already submit and I used that VIP and they have that own plastic envelope and those from VFS helped me what I need and etc..... then asked me if I want it delivered or just collect it I chose delivery

  11. #11
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Well the delivery is included in The VIP premium service... since the thread I started for the VIP Premium Service is closed I'll just post it here because some member who posted there and asked me to inform them how is the VIP Premium well ... I'll just post it here... It was nice, first they will lead you to the way if you are VIP they will process everything you need like if you need to photocopy your documents or if you already have the picture and there is a VIP lounge where you can have free snacks, then you they keep you inform through mobile and email about what's happening to your application that it was delivered , then if it is in process ... and then delivery to your address once the process is done whether you got the visa or no they will deliver it to you door to door all your documents and if you got the visa then so as the visa.

    oh and the good news is I got the entry clearance it is valid for 6 months.... well like they said you just have to be honest.... I never pretended about some stuff or did some bogus :P I provided all the real thing and told them the real deal what's up like did not borrow any money for a show or something we handed all documents they need..... I figure coz before I submitted my application I heard some people been borrowing money so they can put it in their account and have that certificate from the bank then after that they took the money out and return it.... well that is not good... because they will check along the way well nowadays I guess they are running long process to see if you just put it there they will wait till they see that money is just staying in your account well that's what I gather....

    well I got the entry clearance coz I handed everything real and no trick just what I have.... so now our next deal would be to buy a ticket so me and my husband can travel together this March he is so happy that he will go back to England with me after staying here for 2 and half months wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  12. #12
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    hi brokenpieces am so happy for you that you have finally gotten your entry clearance.
    congratulations and well done!!!
    how long did you have to wait for it and what was the last msg you received from the vfs regarding your application.
    thank you and have a safe trip with your hubby

  13. #13
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    We lodge it Feb 3 and We got the result March 1
    They contacted us 4 times, first just to let us know that the papers have been delivered to the embassy 2nd that it is being processed. 3rd that it may take a while because it is the busy month of the year 4th they let us know that the decision has been made oh and there's 5th which says it will be dispacthed delivered in 1 to 2 days.

    Yeah I actually feel that it is too soon... we've been preparing for this ... it's just that when we got the result there's only 13 days left for my husband's flight.... I was thinking maybe I will have a month preparation like you already know you're going and in one month you can do things that you need to do ....

    I know that am going to be with my hubby.... am just I don't know I am more nervous than excited..... I just don't know what's in the other side... what's waiting for us there... we still don't have a place to stay we have been contacting those who can help us supossedly .... but I dunno yet since we weren't expecting too much .... like I said before my husband gave up that flat he was renting coz he will stay here for 3 months or more or so we thought

    I am starting to miss things that I didn't know I would or people that I didn't know I would and life .... weird...........

  14. #14
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    I actually told him can we rebook ... reschedule our flight :P LOL I wonder I feel like I used to be so worried we might not get it and we wanna be together in England but now I feel like the only person who finally got approved and ready to go but only half heartedly delighted about it LOL am not sure if am happy or what or maybe am just going to miss things around here....

  15. #15
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    Congratulations. You will not be brokenpieces anymore..You are complete now with your husband. Have a safe journey. Happy to hear your good news.

  16. #16
    Member CAT's Avatar
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    Congrats Brokenpieces Im happy for you both!!!

  17. #17
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    Congratulations brokenpieces! So happy for you both

  18. #18
    Respected Member Eyes O'Donnell's Avatar
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    Hi brokenpieces Congratulations, you are now together on the road towards a beautiful life
    I'm looking forward to hear the good news as well I'm still waiting for my visa

  19. #19
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    hello everyone thanks I really hope to find some filipino around so boring when you don't know anyone that much.... anyone out there from Luton, Bedfordshire?

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