Ah OK,

This VAF5 form is so very badly designed. UKBA use it as a generic 'one-size-fits-all' form without any explanation of the differences in category of application.

The form can make it look as though there are more requirements than there are, also the online form may deviate from the paper from slightly.
The EEA Family Permit is applicable whether you want to visit the UK for a short trip or even for taking permanent residence.
It asks question relating to all sorts of different situations instead of just specific requirements.
Personally I feel there's a lot of questions on that form that goes so far beyond the spirit of EU Treaty right that it may actually violate European law, but that's just an opinion of a grumpy old man.

If you have any desire to read the full UKBA 'Internal Guidance' then it's here

To answer your questions:-

1. Enter a date that you believe will be the very earliest you plan to go. Your visa will be dated from that date when you say you want to travel (Family Permits are supposed to issued very quickly)

2. Enter any date for leaving, say 4-6 months from the date you plan to enter UK.
The EEA Family Permit for the EEA-national partner will be issued for 6 months. During that time you will be expected to apply for a Residence Permit from UKBA.

Actually the specific date does not matter. You will not be an overstayer. You can stay as long as you want. personally I would suggest you apply for the residence permit once you arrive though.

I'm sure there are other parts of the form where you can actually write that you intend to stay in UK with your husband permanently.

If you feel uncomfortable with my reply, please feel free to check with UKBA or specialist immigration advisor.