The power of religion. It has to be the most succesful control device ever. And more people have died in the name of Islam or Catholicism than ever died in both world wars. It's a plague that has caused so many wars, eruptions, revolts, famines, slaughters etc over the last 2000 years.Originally posted by admin@Jul 29 2005, 08:58 AM
How do Filipino's feel about the UK now we are under attack from a bunch of half-wits who think blowing themseleves up gets them lots of virgins!! :unsure: (All the have to do is stay alive and visit the Philippines!.
If you live here how do you feel, if you don't would you visit, are you coming here soon and are worried? Give us your views, always nice to know what the World thinks about our wonderful country
And what can these suicide psychos ever think they are going to achieve? Do they seriously expect this wholesale salughter will cause Macapagal, or Bush, Or Blair, to suddenly say "Aw hell, you guys are right, here ya go, we'll all convert to Islam and let you rule our countries"?
I'm not worried in the slightest about the bombings myself. Remember, every day in Iraq approx 50 ragheads are being blown up, by OTHER rag heads, which I think is greatThe UK is just a tiny dot in the grand psycho muslim scheme of things :huh: