did the gov not give notice period that they would need NVQ level 3 ? but still how would she or anyone else know of the change, unless the gov told them directly. rules are changing all the time. and does the union inform its members of these changes maybe the gov told the care homes to?

and shes nearly done her 5 years , after 5 years, maybe she could have applied for ILR.

as for the £10, i cannot afford it really, i prob wouldnt pay it, with a baby and 2 kids, it be near one of the last thnigs on my list ..

oh you anwsered my question on ILR, she dont need to pay £150+ an hour to an immigration lawyer, she can get free legal advice from a law centre near her, or other immigration charities. like i have used.

as for figihting your corner if guilty or not, i wouldnt want anyone to fight if i was gulity ..

iam not knocking unions, i wish i had a union at work , £10 a month is not a lot, but i can see why some people dont pay it, they pay every month, and they may never use the union services. and when you've got kids to feed or pay the union, you know which comes first. like insurance its only worth the money when you come to make a claim, and if you dont have any, then its too late, and you wished you had

i can see why you need level 3, but people should be given time to acheive it and also they should be told about it,there are people still out there who dont know about the 'living in the uk test' yes its been on the news, but they haven't been told directly.