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Thread: How long does it take to apply/wait for ILR visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    How long does it take to apply/wait for ILR visa

    I lodge my application on the 20th of October 2011 through post and its been 3 months now but I dont have my passport yet... some people I know it only took them 6 weeks and they got their passport back.

    My daughter's passort is being held in Manila Embassy and now they need my copy of passport and visa before they can proceed on her visa as well...but how can we this with out my documents yet.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    It seems to be the "luck of the draw", Beth As you say, some peoples' applications are "done and dusted" in a matter of a few weeks ... while others find themselves waiting an awful lot longer. Indeed, you're the third person who's posted here in so many days wondering why theirs should be taking so long. Much, I suppose, depends on the ECO assigned to individual applicants ... and the size of caseloads allocated. Never fear, though, your time WILL come ... although unexplained delays can be extremely stressful. Meanwhile ... keep your spirits up and try to relax. It won't, unfortunately, arrive any quicker by fretting.

  3. #3
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    It seems to be the "luck of the draw", Beth As you say, some peoples' applications are "done and dusted" in a matter of a few weeks ... while others find themselves waiting an awful lot longer. Indeed, you're the third person who's posted here in so many days wondering why theirs should be taking so long. Much, I suppose, depends on the ECO assigned to individual applicants ... and the size of caseloads allocated. Never fear, though, your WILL come ... although unexplained delays can be extremely stressful. Meanwhile ... keep your spirits up and try to relax. It won't, unfortunately, arrive any quicker by fretting.

    How are you Arthur?
    I was thinking why you were not replying on my last thread as you were always there with with good words. (refer to my thread: Immigration issue almost cost my health)

    Anyway I have been in to a lot of hindrances lately re: trying to bring my daughter over.
    We were hoping that this is the last hurdle when they finally requested for her passport after winning our appeal.... but now they need my passport and visa before they issue her one, we have been in this agony for almost a year now.

  4. #4
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Hi beth. Were on the same boat. I lodged my ILR application last nov 2011 and until now I'm still waiting for the result. It is really stressful, i hope we'll get our ILR very soon. Please let us know once you receive your passport back. xx

  5. #5
    Respected Member Fountainhead's Avatar
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    My wife submitted her application on November 29th last year. last Friday (9th of March) we received back all the paperwork we sent along with her passport with the ILR visa stuck inside

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fountainhead View Post
    My wife submitted her application on November 29th last year. last Friday (9th of March) we received back all the paperwork we sent along with her passport with the ILR visa stuck inside
    Now that is a looooong time to wait.

    But at last the ILR is granted, so well done congratulations and enjoy.

    BTW did you contact UKBA to enquire about the delay?

  7. #7
    Respected Member Fountainhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Now that is a looooong time to wait.

    But at last the ILR is granted, so well done congratulations and enjoy.

    BTW did you contact UKBA to enquire about the delay?
    Thanks Terpe.

    From what I have read here a 3 month wait isn't that unusual. Maybe ours took slightly longer than that because the waiting time included the christmas and new year holiday period. Must admit the last week or two i was starting to get a bit nervous and worried we hadn't heard back yet. Didn't phone them though because I thought it had to be 6 months before they told you anything

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