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Thread: Intolerance?

  1. #1
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    I haven't been here long but I do log on to have a look around.

    To be honest, I see a lot of threads/posts showing intolerance towards immigrants.

    As an English man who has a Philippino partner, I would have thought that a lot more relaxed attitude would be shown towards immigrants

    It seems that some people here (no names mentioned ) are not enlightened by their situation with Philippinos.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
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    Hi Neu 75 and welcome to the forum

    Respectfully I think you should read the posts you are referring to again. I do not see any intolerance on the forum to immigrants who play by the rules of the UK. What winds a lot of members up are the immigrants who come here illegally, sponge off our welfare state and make no positive contribution to our society.
    By and large, The Filipino's who come to the UK adapt very well, make a positive contribution to the UK and make our country a far more interesting and diverse place

  3. #3
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Hi Neu 75 and welcome to the forum

    Respectfully I think you should read the posts you are referring to again. I do not see any intollerance on the forum to immigrants who play by the rules of the UK. What winds a lot of members up are the immigrants who come here illegally, sponge off our welfare state and make no positive contribution to our society.
    By and large, The Filipino's who come to the UK adapt very well, make a positive contribution to the UK and make our country a far more interesting and diverse place

  4. #4
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    look at what we have to do and pay to have our wifes partners to come to uk immigrants from europe come here then get benifets or work ilegal

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neu75 View Post

    I haven't been here long but I do log on to have a look around.

    To be honest, I see a lot of threads/posts showing intolerance towards immigrants.

    As an English man who has a Philippino partner, I would have thought that a lot more relaxed attitude would be shown towards immigrants

    It seems that some people here (no names mentioned ) are not enlightened by their situation with Philippinos.

    What do you think?
    Yes. I agree with Englishman. The forum as a whole is intolerant of intolerance towards immigrants. But is intolerant of immigrants who arrive here illegally.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    No intolerance whatsoever towards any legal immigrants,cut and paste a few examples please?Massive public intolerance towards the illegals who are sucking the lifeblood of this country,chipping away at the culture of this country,and generally taking the p*ss from the moment they arrive playing the race card and the human rights act to their own ends,the UK general public,everyone in my circle of friends and those I interact with on a daily basis are all sick of rampant illegal economic immigrants,back of a lorry jobbies who come here for a free ride and to milk the system,and rightly so,if we all broke laws that didnt suit us where would we be then? I think after a guesstimated one million illegals tolerance takes a back seat and common sense should drive.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  7. #7
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Nue 75......... maybe it should be New 75.

    Read and digest the threads you have been commenting on.. you are quite wrong!

    All of us are here because of our 'tolerance' towards our Filipino partners / wives / girlfriends. I would love to get my wife and son here tomorrow to be part of our country, but the illegals have now made our job so difficult and expensive to do. Why are most people angry here......??? Please think about your post and when you have evidence that we are intolerant towards our loved ones post again.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  8. #8
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    i dont understand why so many people fall for this, " red top " sensationalist tabloid press led, intolerance of immigrants, whatever type,, it is the bankers , financiaers , leaders of massive international conglomorates , oil barrens and the likes , who are not just milking but blatentlly ripping off , not just this but all countries all over the world with scant regard for population or enviroment !!!!!!!!! wake up before it is too late !!!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    it is the bankers , financiaers , leaders of massive international conglomorates , oil barrens and the likes , who are not just milking but blatentlly ripping off , not just this but all countries all over the world with scant regard for population or enviroment !!!!!!!!! wake up before it is too late !!!
    As well as what`s already been said I think you will find that most of us on here are just as intolerant of the above mentioned, and have said so on numerous occasions.

  10. #10
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    You obviously haven't read and considered properly any of the answers given to you here, let alone the threads you have referred to.

    Either you're totally stupid, a troll or both.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    You obviously haven't read and considered properly any of the answers given to you here, let alone the threads you have referred to.

    Either you're totally stupid, a troll or both.
    Todays Hitting The Nail on The Head Award once again goes to Graham

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    No intolerance whatsoever towards any legal immigrants,cut and paste a few examples please?Massive public intolerance towards the illegals who are sucking the lifeblood of this country,chipping away at the culture of this country,and generally taking the p*ss from the moment they arrive playing the race card and the human rights act to their own ends,the UK general public,everyone in my circle of friends and those I interact with on a daily basis are all sick of rampant illegal economic immigrants,back of a lorry jobbies who come here for a free ride and to milk the system,and rightly so,if we all broke laws that didnt suit us where would we be then? I think after a guesstimated one million illegals tolerance takes a back seat and common sense should drive.
    My point is that the general tone here is, in my opinion, one of intolerance.
    I was hoping for a forum that concentrated on issues concerned with the Philippines.
    I will not get into a debate on individual posts because that is divisive.
    I think that, as we have ladies from the Philippines in our lives, we should be more optimistic about life in general.
    I will pop in here occasionally but the general tone of threads at the moment leaves me cold
    Maybe it will change, I don't know

  13. #13
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    I quite frankly find your comments ridiculous, annoying & very disrespectfull

    Please try to read & take notice of members posts here in future as you will soon find yourself a very unpopular member

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    i dont understand why so many people fall for this, " red top " sensationalist tabloid press led, intolerance of immigrants, whatever type,, it is the bankers , financiaers , leaders of massive international conglomorates , oil barrens and the likes , who are not just milking but blatentlly ripping off , not just this but all countries all over the world with scant regard for population or enviroment !!!!!!!!! wake up before it is too late !!!
    Now that is getting closer to the point.
    You don't read the red tops obviously

  15. #15
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    , we should be more optimistic about life in general.
    Always optomistic mate,life is better than the alternative but sometimes bad-news days spark off a reaction,sorry about that

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    I quite frankly find your comments ridiculous, annoying & very disrespectfull

    Please try to read & take notice of members posts here in future as you will soon find yourself a very unpopular member
    Sorry if my post was disrespectful in your way of thinking.
    I was making what I thought was a valid observation about the emphasis on immigrants when I was hoping it was about Philippines-related issues.

  17. #17
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I think you will see that everyone here is very respectful to anyone and everyone who plays by the rules.

    I personally get really upset at the reports in the news relating to the status of illegal immigrants taking our hard earned tax and wasting it - I myself am an immigrant and I certainly dont find or have any issues with the posts here - and as with others I bought my beautiful Filipina here to the UK to marry, but we followed the rules and in doing so have paid a lot of money and had to jump through quite a few hoops.

    Everyone has their own point of view - air yours but as ever we should always digest posts first before making comments - you make some of us almost sound racist even though I am sure you dont mean to be


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neu75 View Post
    My point is that the general tone here is, in my opinion, one of intolerance.
    I was hoping for a forum that concentrated on issues concerned with the Philippines.
    I will not get into a debate on individual posts because that is divisive.
    I think that, as we have ladies from the Philippines in our lives, we should be more optimistic about life in general.
    I will pop in here occasionally but the general tone of threads at the moment leaves me cold
    Maybe it will change, I don't know
    I'm proud to be intolerant of criminals and illegal immigrant scumbags. There are many accurate news reports requiring wider circulation showing how far into the abyss this country has sunk due to mass illegal immigration, scheming and incompetent politicians, benefit fraudsters, blind adherence to perceived human rights legislation, soft attitude to law breakers etc etc.

    You need to read a bit more into this forum there are thousands of posts concerned with the Philippines. Here's a Philippine topic for you to consider - How tolerant is the Philippines ? much the same as the limp wristed UK perhaps ? Next time you go there why not do a practical test and torch their flag in public.

  19. #19
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    we all discuss a number of different topics on here not always in connection with philippines,
    we all enjoy our debates , and share our views, in itself its an ideal way to get to know each other,
    for all the time iv been comming to this forum, i find everyone open and honest with there opinions,
    we all have our own opinions on different subjects, i dont believe anyone here is intolerant to imigrants who live here leagaly and have respect of our culture,intergrate, and contibute to our society,

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Nearly 400,000 posts, been around 10 years, and helped 1000's of Filipina's out in that time, I'd say we're very tolerant of all legal immigrants no matter what country, color or faith.

    As for illegals, the majority admit they headed to the UK for the money, otherwise they'd stop off at other countries. Germany & France take in more illegals than we do and you'll find they are even less tolerant of them than us Brits. Real asylum seekers are fine, it is the muppets who try to screw the system and take us all for a ride that annoys us as if you've had to bring a fiancee/wife here from the Philippines you'd know how difficult and expensive it is these days due to all the laws/rules to try and stop illegals.
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neu75 View Post

    As an English man who has a Philippino partner, I would have thought that a lot more relaxed attitude would be shown towards immigrants
    It seems that some people here (no names mentioned ) are not enlightened by their situation with Philippinos.
    No forum member should be intolerant of spelling errors. Out of respect, however, it's worth avoiding offence - or more likely amusement - by using the right words :
    * The archipelago was first called " Las Islas Filipinas " after Crown Prince Philip II (Spanish Felipe II), later King Philip II.
    * When it was an American colony it was mostly called the " Philippine Islands ", or " Philippines ". Since independence in 1946 the official name is " Republic of the Philippines / Republika ng Pilipinas ".
    * Pilipino / Tagalog is the official language, together with English. There are many local languages ( which don't have the " f " sound ).
    * Filipina is a female; filipino is a male, or the " unisex " term for people of the Philippines, or also the name for the language.

    Several members - including me - are Scottish or Scots. They may also be amused - but not intolerant unless Scotland becomes independent - if they're called " Scotch ". That term, legally defined, refers to whisky ( not whiskey which is Irish ), beef and lamb. As a verb, scotch means " decisively put an end to ... " such as incorrect use of words.

  22. #22
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    You have a lovely way with words Al
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  23. #23
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    ...and calling me a 'Yorkie' is fine, but not to be confused with the 'Yorkie' chocolate bar', also emanating from my home city.

    Being called 'Yorkshire Puddin' is also not appreciated by our larger residents.

  24. #24
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ...and calling me a 'Yorkie' is fine, but not to be confused with the 'Yorkie' chocolate bar', also emanating from my home city.

    Being called 'Yorkshire Puddin' is also not appreciated by our larger residents.
    Also the dog breed called yorkie which is yorkshire terrier for short

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    No forum member should be intolerant of spelling errors. Out of respect, however, it's worth avoiding offence - or more likely amusement - by using the right words :
    * The archipelago was first called " Las Islas Filipinas " after Crown Prince Philip II (Spanish Felipe II), later King Philip II.
    * When it was an American colony it was mostly called the " Philippine Islands ", or " Philippines ". Since independence in 1946 the official name is " Republic of the Philippines / Republika ng Pilipinas ".
    * Pilipino / Tagalog is the official language, together with English. There are many local languages ( which don't have the " f " sound ).
    * Filipina is a female; filipino is a male, or the " unisex " term for people of the Philippines, or also the name for the language.

    Several members - including me - are Scottish or Scots. They may also be amused - but not intolerant unless Scotland becomes independent - if they're called " Scotch ". That term, legally defined, refers to whisky ( not whiskey which is Irish ), beef and lamb. As a verb, scotch means " decisively put an end to ... " such as incorrect use of words.
    You're very observant doc(tor)
    Thanx for the reply

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    You obviously haven't read and considered properly any of the answers given to you here, let alone the threads you have referred to.

    Either you're totally stupid, a troll or both.
    I did see models of trolls in Norway once when on holiday.
    How dare you call me one of them, my nose is half the size but with the same amount of pimples
    I am also not totally stupid, just partially
    Quick to insult people aren't you?
    Relax mate and kiss your Philippino wife, I'm sure she will calm you down

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    I quite frankly find your comments ridiculous, annoying & very disrespectfull

    Please try to read & take notice of members posts here in future as you will soon find yourself a very unpopular member
    Where is she? I prefer popular ones.

  28. #28
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Oh dear

  29. #29
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neu75 View Post
    I did see models of trolls in Norway once when on holiday.
    How dare you call me one of them, my nose is half the size but with the same amount of pimples
    I am also not totally stupid, just partially
    Quick to insult people aren't you?
    Relax mate and kiss your Philippino wife, I'm sure she will calm you down
    Graham is not married, but I am, and my wife is currently 7000 miles away because of the system emposed by the government who make it so difficult for our loved ones to come here. I wish I could kiss her now, but I can't. Have a nice evening Neu
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Nearly 400,000 posts, been around 10 years, and helped 1000's of Filipina's out in that time, I'd say we're very tolerant of all legal immigrants no matter what country, color or faith.

    As for illegals, the majority admit they headed to the UK for the money, otherwise they'd stop off at othe countries. Germany & France take in more illegals than we do and you'll find they are even less tolerant of them than us Brits. Real asylum seekers are fine, it is the muppets who try to screw the system and take us all for a ride that annoys us as if you've had to bring a fiancee/wife here from the Philippines you'd know how difficult and expensive it is these days due to all the laws/rules to try and stop illegals.
    Thanks for the reply.
    How much did it cost you?
    I am thinking of doing this in the next year or two.......
    By the way, you look like you need a square meal from your picture

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