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Thread: question about tourist visa

  1. #1
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    question about tourist visa

    hi to everyone here.. im glad i found out this site.i am here for a spouse / flr visa. im not british citizen yet. im just wondering if there is chance of having my parents to have a tourist visa going here? is it alright if my british husband will be the one to sponsor their tourist visa? what are the things to do and needed to apply? my parents are both government employee. will be happy to hear your reply.thank u

  2. #2
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Well I'm probably not the one to answer this, as I'm a bit clueless myself, but from what I've gathered, the main thing is that they can be supported for a visit, and will leave after - not abusing the system.

    If they are government employees, well that means they have steady good jobs, so there might be a chance.

    However, you haven't given much information there - on what sort of jobs they might have, and if they are well paid (and of course, you shouldn't say this - it's very personal).

    I'm sure someone else more knowledgable will be able to advise you, but good luck and welcome

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