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Thread: Insomnia

  1. #1
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    As usual It is now 4am Philippine time and I am still wide awake . I have been suffering from insomnia for months now and I'm getting bloody frustrated about it. I know Its not healthy and I have been trying to do ways to solve my problem but It doesn't seem to work for me. Initially, I would lie down at 1am and try to sleep, after 2 hours I still find myself wide awake, I keep tossing, turning and made all sleep positions but I still can't fall asleep. I would count 1000 sheep's and still can't sleep Has anyone got the same problem? I know when I'm back in UK my sleep hours will be normal coz then me and my husband will be in the same time zone. My husband suggested for me to do before I sleep so I can sleep better but I don't know, Its hard to do without him . I might be suffering from stress and depression for my upcoming visa application. I'm really hoping everything will work out very soon.

    Any suggestion to non-medicinal ways to fall asleep better? Thanks in Advance.


  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    stress wil do that to you what you need to do is try and look possitve side to your visa but it,s best you try talk to your husband as much as you can i talk everyday with my fiancee on net and phone what she does is 2 keep busy as not to think have you tryed innsomnia tablets good luck with your visa

  3. #3
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    My husband suggested for me to do before I sleep so I can sleep better but I don't know, Its hard to do without him .
    it could be true but it depends..try some tablets or ask a pharmacist to be able to relieve that insomania..or drink a warm milk before bed with some good sooking on warm bath ..or read some books to let you eye get tired..and make sure your room dark enough to let your body put off to slept..and light some aromatic candle
    A place for everything, everything in its place.

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    ..or read some books to let you eye get tired..and make sure your room dark enough to let your body put off to slept..
    That's one of the best thing to do..especially if you're not really a book'll make you fall asleep
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  5. #5
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    I sympathise with you and hope you get it sorted

    However, nearly all of the Manila based Filipina's I know are wide awake and working at 4am Filipino time...US call centre work might be a good paying job, but it doesnt do much for their sleep patterns

  6. #6
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    I'm sorry to read about your insomnia problems, Juvy.
    You're not alone, it's very common. I'm glad you wish to fall asleep better by " non-medicinal ways ". Drugs ( " hypnotics " / sleeping tablets ) should NOT be prescribed ( or bought over the counter in the Philippines ) without looking for cause(s) of insomnia. Above all, you need reassurance that at your age, while not trivialising your problem, it's highly unlikely to be serious or long-lasting .
    Some people have unrealistic sleep expectations ( we need less as we get older ), or understate alcohol consumption which may be the cause. Neither of these apply to you .
    1.Transient / self-limiting insomnia occurs in people who normally sleep well and is due to stress, jet-lag, or shift work, for example. Some stress is inevitable for everyone however. Regular sleeping habits are the answer - no daytime naps / siestas, don't go to bed until you feel sleepy, try not to eat or work in your bedroom, consume less caffeine, try a hot milky drink . Don't exercise late in the evening ( although sexual activity can result in good sleep afterwards ). Putting the radio on a timer - up to an hour - of quiet music, jazz if you like it, or even a talking programme, can help you to drift off to sleep. If you still can't sleep, get up and do something relaxing, then go to bed when sleepy again. Try to minimise extraneous noise such as sibs sharing the bedroom, or buy earplugs so you don't hear the cock crowing . The steady background noise of a fan / air con may help. Room temperature needs to be comfortable, not too warm ( whether in Philippines or UK ). Try not to worry about lack of sleep, you're probably getting enough !
    2. Short-term insomnia may be related to an emotional problem or medical illness - again not likely to apply to you ! It may last for a few weeks, needs investigation and possibly hypnotics.
    3. Chronic insomnia - again not applying to you - is commonly caused by anxiety, depression, abuse of drugs ( including hypnotics ), and alcohol. Sleep disturbance is very common in depression, with early awakening, and the underlying psychiatric condition needs diagnosis and treatment.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post

    I have been suffering from insomnia for months now and I'm getting bloody frustrated about it.
    Ahh ... my dear Juvy ... welcome to "the club"! I have a similar problem - hence the reason I'm oft'times to be found typing away here in the middle of the night (I've FREQUENTLY wondered if an over~active brain was the cause of the problem! ) See my thread entitled 'Inveterate Insomniac', dated 29 March 2011.

    ... it's extremely frustrating when one just simply CAN'T sleep (although ... as an I'm inclined to doze~off all too easily if I happen to sit down during the day!). Like in your case, Doc Alan came to the rescue with possible diagnoses and/or remedies for the "malady".

    Lately, though, I've been replenishing my stock of paperbacks ... so that ... if I've found myself unable to "connect with dreamland" after going to bed ... getting up and settling in an armchair to read a book helps.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post
    Any suggestion to non-medicinal ways to fall asleep better? Thanks in Advance.

    hi juvyjones!! time zone really suck$ lol
    during my first two years of Long Distance Relationship with my husband , I also found it hard to keep my sleeping patterns, I enrolled myself in aikido lessons, one hour training three times a week after work and pilates on some days , helped me tone up and feel more relax inside and out!! also, a good massage in the spa or ''hilot'' might help to relax you and help control the insomnia symptoms.
    Goodluck and hope you be with your hubby soon!!
    ..husbands are really good in keeping the bed warm for their wives
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    hi juvyjones!! time zone really suck$ lol
    during my first two years of Long Distance Relationship with my husband , I also found it hard to keep my sleeping patterns ...
    ... you TOO, Marie?

  10. #10
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    having sleep problems myself,though i know what caused it,
    at its worse it started that as soon as i settled down shut my eyes and tried to sleep ,my head whirling with my troubles, i would then feel the adrenalin eminate from my stomach feelings of stuffy air and feeling increasingly hot, i think once you cut off to try sleep there is nothing else to occupy your mind, iv had 2 nights on the run with no sleep at all,then as things started to improve , my body clock was out of sink, like sleeping from 5 am untill 8am or even 11 am,i did at one point try sleeping pills, only for one night , i wasnt happy feeling drowsy while i felt so bad anyway,

    i find now, that a couple of paracetomol and a hot milk drink , seems to help wind me down a bit, rather than the sleeping tablet, and try think of anything else other than what troubles you while you try fall asleep

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post, I enrolled myself in aikido lessons, one hour training three times a week after work and pilates on some days ,..
    ... what is 'aikido'? And ... ... the only 'pilate' familiar to me [in name] was the one called 'Pontius'!

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Aye ... it's a serious subject, right enough ... with both a doctor and a 'virus' entering the discussion!

  13. #13
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Aye ... it's a serious subject, right enough ... with both a doctor and a 'virus' entering the discussion!
    well well,,,,, imagine that

    as wide awake as a ,,,,, hawk

    and very ,,,,,, Little ,,,,,, sleep

  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    well well,,,,, imagine that

    as wide awake as a ,,,,, hawk

    and very ,,,,,, Little ,,,,,, sleep
    ... NICE one, Stewart ... I'll sleep on it!

  15. #15
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    I am up at 3.30 am. Ha! I usually sleep perfectly but me and the wife have just had an argument and I cant sleep.

    Exercise helps a lot. Hour at the gym or a walk or a jog.

  16. #16
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    it's best you try talk to your husband as much as you can, good luck with your visa
    I talk with my husband on a daily basis hawk, I chat with him while he is at work, and we do skype everyday when he get home. I guess its just really stress with the visa app.

  17. #17
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    it could be true but it depends
    Hi ate moy what do you mean it depends? I think releasing before bed would really help somehow.

    read some books to let you eye get tired.
    I am not much of a book reader but will try that thanks

    and light some aromatic candle
    Is it safe? I don't want to burn my room , due to my insomnia I move a lot I'm afraid to brush against it.

    for your comment ate moy. Ingat!

  18. #18
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    That's one of the best thing to do..especially if you're not really a book'll make you fall asleep
    Thanks Ms Rayna will definitely try that. I wonder if reading pocket books would help too.

  19. #19
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    However, nearly all of the Manila based Filipina's I know are wide awake and working at 4am Filipino time...US call centre work might be a good paying job, but it doesnt do much for their sleep patterns
    Perhaps I should try home based call centre work to get benefits from my insomnia I just wish I could do that at home. anyway, mr Ian.

  20. #20
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    1.Transient / self-limiting insomnia occurs in people who normally sleep well and is due to stress, jet-lag, or shift work, for example. Regular sleeping habits are the answer - no daytime naps / siestas, don't go to bed until you feel sleepy, try not to eat or work in your bedroom, consume less caffeine, try a hot milky drink . Don't exercise late in the evening ( although sexual activity can result in good sleep afterwards ). Putting the radio on a timer - up to an hour - of quiet music, jazz if you like it, or even a talking programme, can help you to drift off to sleep. If you still can't sleep, get up and do something relaxing, then go to bed when sleepy again. Try to minimise extraneous noise such as sibs sharing the bedroom, or buy earplugs so you don't hear the cock crowing . Try not to worry about lack of sleep, you're probably getting enough !
    Hi Doc Alan the professional knows the best

    I think I am belong to number 1. I go to bed usually at 2 or 3am but always fall asleep around 5am. I get 7-8 hours of sleep everyday which I think is normal, Its just my sleep hour is abnormal . I really want to get to bed earlier so I can wake up early and do more stuff during the day rather than start my day in the afternoon. As I always wake up late, I then miss breakfast and always eating late lunch, I get so hungry in the evening and eat a lot before I go to bed. So i think its one of the factor why I can't sleep early. I really need to change my lifestyle asapSomehow, I'll try to follow your advice.

    Thanks a lot for your useful comment Doc. Your always much appreciated.

  21. #21
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Ahh ... my dear Juvy ... welcome to "the club"!
    Thanks for the warm welcome mr arthur.

    See my thread entitled 'Inveterate Insomniac', dated 29 March 2011.
    Interesting thread, will have a look at that.

    Doc Alan came to the rescue with possible diagnoses and/or remedies for the "malady"... getting up and settling in an armchair to read a book helps.
    Doc Alan is such a big help, thanks to him I'm glad your sleep pattern is better now after trying those remedies. I really need to start reading books and see if it works for me. Thanks po!

  22. #22
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    hi juvyjones!! time zone really suck$ lol
    lol indeed ate marie

    I enrolled myself in aikido lessons, one hour training three times a week after work and pilates on some days , helped me tone up and feel more relax inside and out!! also, a good massage in the spa or ''hilot'' might help to relax you and help control the insomnia symptoms.
    Goodluck and hope you be with your hubby soon!!
    I was thinking to enroll for a yoga lesson, I heard its one of the good remedy to cure insomnia. aikido lessons sounds good too. Thanks ate I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my upcoming visa app.

    ..husbands are really good in keeping the bed warm for their wives:xxgrinning--
    I sleep better when I'm next to my hubby. And his warm cuddles put me to sleep easily. you lucky your with your hubby already.

  23. #23
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    my head whirling with my troubles, i would then feel the adrenalin eminate from my stomach feelings of stuffy air and feeling increasingly hot
    That's exactly what I feel. I worry and think too much.
    I will drink warm milk before I sleep from now on. Thanks for the comment mr imagine

  24. #24
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    well well,,,,, imagine that

    as wide awake as a ,,,,, hawk

    and very ,,,,,, Little ,,,,,, sleep

    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I am up at 3.30 am. Ha! I usually sleep perfectly but me and the wife have just had an argument and I cant sleep.
    Oh dear did you accommodate yourself in the dog house last night after an argument with wifey?

    Exercise helps a lot. Hour at the gym or a walk or a jog.
    Thanks lastlid, will give it a try.

  25. #25
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    Do you drink anything with a Caffiene content, Coca Cola, Coffee, Tea etc?
    I personally sleep better when I have a good balanced diet, less meat, no caffeine and goto the gym regularly.
    When i'm stressed, all of those things go out of the window and I sleep very badly.

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    Later...we patched things up I was on the receiving end of a severe dose of the silent treatment....

    When my wife was in Cavite, in the run up to her application, she found, with the 8 hour time difference and chatting to me each day for long hours she found she was losing sleep, her routine was a mess and she began to get insomnia too, especially with the stress of waiting. Came out in spots too. And was particularly irrateable.

    That's all behind her now. Once she got her Spouse Visa, that made a lot of difference.......

  27. #27
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Do you drink anything with a Caffiene content, Coca Cola, Coffee, Tea etc?
    I don't drink coffee, soda or tea. only iced tea I drink a lot of water and juice and milk before bedtime but still I get hard time to sleep. But I'm hoping to get my habit changed soon once i sorted out my visa

  28. #28
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    When my wife was in Cavite, in the run up to her application, she found, with the 8 hour time difference and chatting to me each day for long hours she found she was losing sleep, her routine was a mess and she began to get insomnia too, especially with the stress of waiting. Came out in spots too. And was particularly irritable.
    Yes I am exactly the same at the moment. The only time I don't chat with my husband is when he is sleeping I'm addicted to him and that made me forget how to get proper sleep.

  29. #29
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    4.30 am and u are still awake !

  30. #30
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malchard888 View Post
    4.30 am and u are still awake !
    Yes Malcolm, As usual I am still awake.

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