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Thread: ILR on the Isle of Man

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    G.B. (IOM)
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    ILR on the Isle of Man

    I know that there are only a few folk on the forum that are from the IOM but this might help some in the future and be of passing interest to other forum members.

    Up till now I have envisaged the need for a boat trip to Liverpool or something but evidently not as ILR can be and is done here on the Island at the Government Offices. Unlike the Spouse Visa application for the Isle of Man which is done through the UKBA in Manila and is almost identical in process to the process for UK applicants, there are some differences when it comes to the Isle of Man and ILR (and Jersey and Guernsey I believe).

    There is a seperate but similar form LTR (M)

    And I am told it can be hand delivered to the Government Offices in Douglas.
    You will notice that as of the current moment the fees are £550 (yes you read that correctly). I have no idea how quickly the process is completed.

    Life in the UK and Islands Test

    The Life in the UK test, as Terpe pointed out a few days ago, is the same as for the UK except there are 5 questions specifically to do with the island.

    The test can be done at the local college in Douglas. Again, no trip to the UK required.

    Glancing through the form I think it is all straight forward except there is a little paragraph that concerns me about those who are from the UK that are living in the Isle of Man ( that includes me ) need proof of residency for 3 years - I will not have been here 3 years come ILR time so I need to look into that some more.

    But as the Immigration Officer in Douglas pointed out to me on the phone, everything will be changing, just as it has done for a while now........

    Looking at Joe Blogs thread a few weeks back it looks like Guernsey have already fallen into line with the UK on fees....... is evidently what happens on IOM, a delay, so I imagine the fees here will be brought into line with UK fees too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Marikina City
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    Interesting post lastlid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    Yes. Did you spot any other differences? I notice the implementation date of the English Language Test requirement was delayed.

    The Spouse Visa form was exactly the same, no IOM flag for a start, but the look of the IOM ILR form is a little different.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ILR willl often be done over the counter or take up to 2 weeks, evidently.

    I took the oppurtunity of enquiring on the large numbers of Filipinos on the island and it was said that generally speaking Filipinos are regarded as good immigrants.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    This appears to be a little different to the UKBA website document requirement detail on ILR:

    The items of evidence should be from at least 5 different official sources. Ideally, a total of 20 items of evidence should be provided. If you are not able to do that, please provide at least 10 items.
    Please give an explanation if you cannot provide at least 10 items and/or if the evidence is not in your joint names and/or it is not spread over the 24 month period as indicated. An explanation must also be provided for any periods when you did not live together, as well as evidence in support of the explanation and evidence to show how you maintained contact with each other during this time.
    Your application could be delayed or even refused if you do not provide enough evidence of this kind.
     telephone bills or statements
     gas bills or statements
     electricity bills or statements
     water rates bills or statements
     council tax bills or statements
     mortgage statements or agreement
     banks or building society statements/passbooks
     tenancy agreements
     insurance policies/certificates or other correspondence
     loan agreements
     AA,RAC or similar membership
     membership of sports or social clubs
     membership of a religious organisation
     correspondence from government departments or agencies (eg HM Revenue and Customs, Income Tax, DHSS, DTI Work Permits) including evidence that you have declared your relationship to the appropriate government bodies.
     correspondence from GP or local health authority (e.g. NHS card, correspondence about ante-natal and port-natal treatment, letter confirming dates of visits to the home address by a midwife, letter confirming registration with a dentist, etc – providing these documents show your home address and the date first registered)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    G.B. (IOM)
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    A document on Life in the UK and Islands Test for Isle of Man, for ILR. The test costs £60.00 Looks quite a useful document and easy to read.

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