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Thread: David cameron warned: Not one penny more to rescue euro

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    David cameron warned: Not one penny more to rescue euro

    NEARLY two-thirds of voters are against giving a single penny more of British taxpayers’ money towards bailing out the euro, an exclusive poll reveals today.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... pardon me, but I was of the impression he'd ALREADY made it clear where stands on this isuue. to Europe!

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    charity begins at home

  4. #4
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    If we keep on giving money to bankrupt Euro states, how are we going to afford to keep giving it to illegals/asylum seekers with 4 wives and 20 kids

  5. #5
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Whats surprising is 33% of people thought it would be in "our interests" to contribute to their problems, with the boot on the other foot would Europe help the UK - no chance!

  6. #6
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    david cameron is a lying 2 faced toerag,, does anybody believe a word he says !!! was anyone watching Question time the other night ?

  7. #7
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    Yes I believe him and he is better than any alternative - Can you imagine how the rest of the world would laugh at us if Millibland were PM

  8. #8
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Yes I believe him and he is better than any alternative - Can you imagine how the rest of the world would laugh at us if Millibland were PM
    Too right - Milliband is a joke in a suit and much like the last raft of cabinet politicians in the labour camp...
    Doesnt he still want to borrow more - I hear they are trying to get the debt to 2 Trillion!

  9. #9
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    reminds me bit of the story of rearranging the deck chairs while the titanic was sinking, !!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
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    better than looking under the bridge for Trolls

  11. #11
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Yes I believe him and he is better than any alternative - Can you imagine how the rest of the world would laugh at us if Millibland were PM
    Ian the rest of the world are already laughing at us for being the soft touch that we already are ie taking in any waifs & strays our justice system is a joke, our benefits system is a joke & most of all our ploiticians are a joke whether it be cameron, milliband or clegg so all in all i would say the rest of the world are already luaghing at us


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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    Ian the rest of the world are already laughing at us for being the soft touch that we already are ie taking in any waifs & strays our justice system is a joke, our benefits system is a joke & most of all our ploiticians are a joke whether it be cameron, milliband or clegg so all in all i would say the rest of the world are already luaghing at us
    Unfortunately you're right Stevie, that's what 13 years of Labour did for us. Whatever we think of politicians, I have faith in DC and believe he can get the UK back on track, but it won't be easy for him while the Libs are in the Gov't. Hopefully, the Tories will gain a majority next time.

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    david cameron is a lying 2 faced toerag,,
    ... he's NOT! NOT in this instance; you've evidently missed my earlier comment. I'll quote it again for your benefit ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... "he's ALREADY made it clear where stands on this isuue. to Europe!"
    ... I suggest you !

    He's to be ADMIRED for his stance!

  14. #14
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    YOU can admire him if YOU want !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Unfortunately you're right Stevie, that's what 13 years of Labour did for us. Whatever we think of politicians, I have faith in DC and believe he can get the UK back on track, but it won't be easy for him while the Libs are in the Gov't. Hopefully, the Tories will gain a majority next time.
    what about the yuppies and greed under thatcher,didn't that play a part ?

    what about Micheal foot, the press called Labour's 1983 general election defeat under Foot and his "crazy" left-wing election manifesto as "the longest suicide note in history"

    It is essential that industry has the finance it needs to support our plans for increased investment. Our proposals are set out in full in our Conference statement, The Financial Institutions. We will:

    * Establish a National Investment Bank to put new resources from private institutions and from the government -- including North Sea oil revenues -- on a large scale into our industrial priorities. The bank will attract and channel savings, by agreement, in a way that guarantees these savings and improves the quality of investment in the UK.
    * Exercise, through the Bank of England, much closer direct control over bank lending. Agreed development plans will be concluded with the banks and other financial institutions.
    * Create a public bank operating through post offices, by merging the National Girobank, National Savings Bank and the Paymaster General's Office.
    * Set up a Securities Commission to regulate the institutions and markets of the City, including Lloyds, within a clear statutory framework.
    * Introduce a new Pension Schemes Act to strengthen members' rights in occupational pension schemes, clarify the role of trustees, and give members a right to equal representation, through their trade unions, on controlling bodies of the schemes.
    * Set up a tripartite investment monitoring agency to advise trustees and encourage improvements in investment practices and strategies.

    We expect the major clearing banks to co-operate with us fully on these reforms, in the national interest. However, should they fail to do so, we shall stand ready to take one or more of them into public ownership. This will not in any way affect the integrity of customers' deposits.

    who's laughing now ? Michael Foot was perhaps the most honourable man ever to lead a major political party in this country.

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post

    does anybody believe a word he says !!!
    Anyone with a modicum of intelligence does ... especially in the present economic state! Too bad if people like you don't like it. Tough measures MUST be taken to reverse 13 years of Labour mismanagement.

  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post

    it won't be easy for him while the Libs are in the Gov't.
    You're absolutely RIGHT there, Ian ... what a "wishy~washy" bunch.

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    its got nothing to do with labour or tory or anybody else,,,,, financiers, bankers, international conglomorates run the world ,, the rich are stealing,, the poor are paying !!! the leaman brothers did more damage than all the immigrants, legal or otherwise, will ever do, ,,,,,, can you tell me please,,,, how did the labour government cause the " crisis " that is effecting the whole of europe !,,, if any one person played a leading role in the current industrial climate it was maggie thatcher !!!!!!! ( michael foot,,, an honourable man indeed )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Whatever we think of politicians, I have faith in DC and believe he can get the UK back on track, but it won't be easy for him while the Libs are in the Gov't. Hopefully, the Tories will gain a majority next time.
    My reply should have been posted in the Rant section.
    I really want to say that I tried so hard not to get up on my soapbox again but you all forced me to it.

    Rant warning!

    Firstly, I do agree and firmly hope that Tories will gain a majority next time. At least with that outcome I can expect a political approach that will give me time enough to consolidate and escape. (make of that what you will)

    I don't believe DC has yet realised what he must do now, and in time what he should have done. Get right out of Europe now. I hope that he does and soon. Get out I mean.

    Like it or not, just as in Europe (and elsewhere), the UK is currently on 'Life Support'.
    The biggest buyers of debt are actually now sellers. Where's the sense in that for national solvency.

    Insurance companies are big holders, and yet people are getting old and dying. The savings rate is at an all time low and maybe heading negative.

    Recently we have all put our trust to DC and the government and the trust has been (and will be) violated again and again unless we get rid of the Liberals and cut adrift from EU.
    The real money is gone and none of the European governments are anywhere near fiscally responsible. (including our own). Oh and don't count on Germany, their banks are probably worse than most. (wait for that one)

    The big Euro party will soon be ending and we're running out of time.

    Europe is insolvent. UK is just one of many insolvent countries. All of the central banks, including the Bank Of England, hold trillions in inflated securities, loans and sovereign securities (debts), in one huge pool of increasing 'toxic' debt.

    As the predictable and eventual credit downgrades snowball and accelerate, so the 'write-offs' of the trillions will accelerate.

    Now (IMHO) here's the sucker punch, the capital for all central banks (and all the write-offs) is provided by all of the participating governments.
    Nothing anyone can do to change that fact.

    All governments (including the UK) will lie and lie until the very end, and try to convince us all that the billions of tax revenues is sufficient capital to leverage the trillions in debts. Who's kidding who?

    Oh, try telling that to your bank if you need a a loan or mortgage !

    Rant over.

  20. #20
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    OK yes, i am glad to see that we agree that it is an international crisis,, so how does puting any faith in a lying 2 faced weasel like cameron going to get us out of a situation which is not of our doing ,, by taking a pittence of what is needed from the most needy in our society ????? i dont think so,,,, money is still there,, just going into fewer and fewer pockets,,,,,,,

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    better than looking under the bridge for Trolls
    well maybe not,,,,, it is a national pass time in norway, and that is regularlly voted to be the best country in europe to live in !!!,, but here we shall continue to be led round in circles looking for easy scape goats

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    OK yes, i am glad to see that we agree that it is an international crisis,, so how does puting any faith in a lying 2 faced weasel like cameron going to get us out of a situation which is not of our doing ,, by taking a pittence of what is needed from the most needy in our society ????? i dont think so,,,, money is still there,, just going into fewer and fewer pockets,,,,,,,
    1. I agree it's a global issue.
    Look at the condition of, and what the planets biggest economy is doing.
    Look at the condition of, and what the planets 2nd biggest economy is doing
    Now look see at what China has realised will happen, but are powerless to change..

    2. Don't think for one second that DC is any worse than any other national leader of the day. He is not. He is a politician. And, imo, he is equal to or better than most.
    There's no sense, logic or comfort in believing that any British politician has caused the economies of the planet to implode.

    It's the greed in all of us. Including you.

    Plenty of people thought Gordon Brown was the golden man of economics until he was found out.
    Plenty of peoplethought Tony Blair was an 'honest broker' until the truth was revealed.
    Michael Foot?????? are you kidding!!!!!

    3. Actually, 'The money' is not there. It's not anywhere. Does't anyone realise it's all fictitious money. That's the whole point.

    4. Why would anyone give the last few billions ....... OK I stop here because what I was going to say is almost certainly too radical for anyone here.

    My dream has gone unless...................

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Plenty of peoplethought Tony Blair was an 'honest broker' until the truth was revealed.
    Michael Foot?????? are you kidding!!!!!
    if we knew back in the 80s that less than 30's later the country would be bust and

    We owe £16,081 for every man, woman and child
    That's more than £35,141 for every person in employment
    Every household will pay £2,108 this year, just to cover the interest

    as for Blair ..

    speaking about him at the Labour party conference in 1997, shortly after coming to power:

    Thank you to the Party organisation, the volunteers, the professionals who fashioned the finest political fighting machine anywhere in the world. And thanks to those that led before me . . .

    My own debt of honour to Michael Foot: you led this Party when, frankly, it was incapable of being led and without ever losing a shred of your decency or your integrity. Thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    well maybe not,,,,, it is a national pass time in norway, and that is regularlly voted to be the best country in europe to live in !!!,, but here we shall continue to be led round in circles looking for easy scape goats
    This graph represents UK (red) vs Norway (blue) vs World average (black) for economic freedoms:-

    Norway dropped significantly in the Index, primarily because of highly expansive government support public spending.
    The government has recently focused on containing highly expensive welfare programs at the expense of national interest and economic strength.

    Swings and roundabouts

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    ............Michael Foot?????? are you kidding!!!!! ...........
    He was far too principled, honest and naive ever to be a success in politics. Now that says it all right.
    Besides he enjoyed a 'tot' . Not quite PC

  26. #26
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    norway have just about secured their future by carefully managing their oil wealth,, not like here where it has proped up maggys disasterous industrial , economic and social decimation,,,,,
    sorry for my ignorance but i am no economist,, can you please explain the term " economic freedom "

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    ...can you please explain the term " economic freedom "
    "The freedom to produce, trade and consume any goods and services acquired without the use of force, fraud or theft. This is embodied in the rule of law, property rights and freedom of contract, and characterized by external and internal openness of the markets, the protection of property rights and freedom of economic initiative"


  28. #28
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    thanks Terpe,,,,,, now where does that put,,, favoured trading status ( US ) graft, bribery, fraud ( leaman brothers US ) BAE arms sales to Saudi and assosiated graft ( UK ) the theft of Libya and Iraqi oil reserves,,,( weapons of mass destruction !!! blair...( .3 mil tax on 12 mil earnings ) etc etc )

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