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Thread: Effects if EU Directive on movement of long term residents

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Effects if EU Directive on movement of long term residents


    It would appear the the rights of Residents have been considerably improved.

    Has this been discussed, if so would you please direct me, if not, does anyone have personal experience of the new legislation and how it has changed the previous situation?

    Thanks John

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post

    It would appear the the rights of Residents have been considerably improved.

    Has this been discussed, if so would you please direct me, if not, does anyone have personal experience of the new legislation and how it has changed the previous situation?

    Thanks John
    I didn't read it all in detail, but I don't see anything new.

    Can you direct me to the new legislation you mention?

    Certainly here in UK, family members of a EEA national just have to wait for 6 years, to be eligible to apply for naturalisation (British Citizenship) directly (Assuming the residence rules were adhered to).

    The 6 years of residence would comprise, 5 years as a resident in order to acquire PR (Permanent Residence) and then 1 year as a Permanent Resident.

    How long has your wife been resident?

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if i remember correctly Citizenship has little to do with any EU directive, that's up to the member states own laws.

  4. #4
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    Terpe and Joe.

    Yes I was not talking about nationality but the rights of a person with permanent residencia (in Spain in particular)

    After two years in Spain my wife applied for Nationality, but after just under 3 years that is progressing, slowly !

    Her present Residencia was due to run out this year but when I checked with the police they said there had been an error and that it has another 5 years validity. It would appear that is because of the change caused by the Directive and that they were obliged to extend the original 5 years to 10 (not an error as such)

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