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Thread: Any filipinas in Dubai?

  1. #1
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    Any filipinas in Dubai?

    yes - I know there are thousands - let me explain!

    I am a 44 year old man from north of the border.

    I have been trying to get to know filipinas online for the last few months & although some are very nice , the limitations of internet dating are known to all of us and it hasn't worked for me so far , simply because to take the relationship any further I would have to travel there. Logistically taking 3 / 4 weeks off work just isn't going to happen , not at the moment anyway.

    In an effort to make a face-to-face meeting , I have started looking for Filipinas in Dubai , which I travel to several times a year & am travelling to again next month.

    What I have found is that most of the dating sites are suppressed by the authorities over there and the few that aren't tend to attract the "wrong kind of woman".

    I guess I'll have to date the old fashioned way in bars etc but in the meantime does anybody have any ideas as to good sites ( or alternatively know of a really kind decent woman over there who would be prepared to live in chilly Scotland!)

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I have an aunt in Kuwait...near enough? hehehe
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
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    Hehe - a bit far away. Sharjah , Abu Dhabi would be no problem though.

    I normally go just for 3 or 4 days but am staying a few extra days this time. I've also got tickets for the golf (in Dubai) & the cricket (Eng v Pak in AD). So if the lucky lady is a sports fan as well........!

  4. #4
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    Sounds a sensible strategy - good hunting. I'm not sure that the cricket would be a wise move

  5. #5
    Respected Member
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    Good luck

    You'd be better off with Basketball tickets, most Pinay's seem keen on it. I doubt they even know what cricket is

    If all else fails, see if they have any cock fighting in the Emirates

  6. #6
    Respected Member aronbabev's Avatar
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    I have been in Abudhabi worked for 2 and half and my Sister worked in Gulf Diagnostic Center.But we are already taken. joke..Good luck in your good hunting,.Girls there, are too busy working. if you're looking to a Filipina you're in the wrong direction.because Filipina's Live in Philippines not in U.A.E.we're just working there.

  7. #7
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aronbabev View Post
    Girls there, are too busy working. if your looking to a Filipina your in the wrong direction.because Filipina's Live in Philippines not in U.A.E.were just working there.
    Well said

    Quote Originally Posted by thescotsman View Post
    I have been trying to get to know filipinas online for the last few months
    The best way to "get to know Filipinas" is to visit them in the Philippines. Make the effort to visit them and take in the delights of their wondurful culture and the people.

  8. #8
    Member daff 'O dill's Avatar
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    Wherever you are thescotsman you'll find filipinas so just keep your eyes open . Anyway, going to dubai and find one is not a bad thing, go to discos or pubs. Visit UK and dine in a filipino restaurant or go to a karaoke pub, visit Hongkong as well - loads of single filipinas there looking for foreign husband!!

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thescotsman View Post
    yes - I know there are thousands - let me explain!

    I am a 44 year old man from north of the border.

    I have been trying to get to know filipinas online for the last few months & although some are very nice , the limitations of internet dating are known to all of us and it hasn't worked for me so far , simply because to take the relationship any further I would have to travel there. Logistically taking 3 / 4 weeks off work just isn't going to happen , not at the moment anyway.

    In an effort to make a face-to-face meeting , I have started looking for Filipinas in Dubai , which I travel to several times a year & am travelling to again next month.

    What I have found is that most of the dating sites are suppressed by the authorities over there and the few that aren't tend to attract the "wrong kind of woman".

    I guess I'll have to date the old fashioned way in bars etc but in the meantime does anybody have any ideas as to good sites ( or alternatively know of a really kind decent woman over there who would be prepared to live in chilly Scotland!)
    from a fellow Scot. Out of interest ... whereabouts do you live North of the Border?

    From a practical point of view, I can appreciate the difficulties inherent in the average working bloke getting time off to travel such a long distance in pursuit of romance ... unless he'd already struck up an online relationship with a Filipina beforehand - like I did. But then, I was fortunate in being retired ... and have been remarried for a little more than 3 years now. So I'd be inclined to follow the suggestions of the previous poster next time you're over in Dubai. And good luck!

  10. #10
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    now the bans lifted there be lots heading your way soon

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Well - I had an interesting time in UAE & met some nice women but nothing really gelled. There was an especially lovely woman from Sharjah that I met but she already has a British boyfriend in Iraq who is wooing her (and has many more opportunities to meet her.)

    Oh well - back to the dating sites :-( And I guess a months absence from work & a long flight to the Phils is the way to go.

  12. #12
    Respected Member
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    First post here, so treat me gently :-)

    I met such a lady, right in Dubai. She's now taken You need to look harder

    P.S Use a VPN to get onto some other forums. Penpalplanet is good.

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