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Thread: What kind of people have we become?

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    What kind of people have we become?

    Churchill would be dismayed by modern Britain’s capitulation to jackboot egalitarians, says Jeff Randall

  2. #2
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    We only have ourselves to blame.

    The problem is, "we" are content to sit back and complain. The one place where political correctness is the majority belief- is the house of commons.
    We could stop this in one fell swoop - by refusing to vote in politicians who hold our beliefs in contempt. Even more so - by joining the said political parties, and flooding their membership with people from the sharp end of society, instead of the hand wringers from their nice leafy middle class suburbs.

    Frankly, until the country says enough is enough, nothing will change.

  3. #3
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I got to admit its so dissapointing to read this - but for many of these reasons I just want to escape to another country that defends itself, but where youre felt like a citizen and not just a tax payer.

    You are right everyone says vote with your feet but changing politics takes a long time and tireless effort and at some point I reckon unless you have a good "gang" you will just simply be swallowed into the existing parties way of thinking - I am thinking along the way of bungs and treats to make you think "their way".

    I dunno I for one think the only way out is to get out whilst you still have saleable assets!! Unfortunately for me I still have dependants and until he is sorted I cant get out... but one day I will.

    I am nt saying the grass is greener on the other side but at least from afar you can say you did what you stood by.


  4. #4
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    We only have ourselves to blame.

    The problem is, "we" are content to sit back and complain. The one place where political correctness is the majority belief- is the house of commons.
    We could stop this in one fell swoop - by refusing to vote in politicians who hold our beliefs in contempt. Even more so - by joining the said political parties, and flooding their membership with people from the sharp end of society, instead of the hand wringers from their nice leafy middle class suburbs.

    Frankly, until the country says enough is enough, nothing will change.
    Spot on. Nothing else I can add..

  5. #5
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    A very good article. I've often thought the following myself

    Do not conclude, however, that the immigrants are to blame for this mess. Who among us faced with a choice between penury in a Bucharest rat-hole and £500 a week in handouts plus a subsidised home would not be on the train to London? The only surprise is that so few are already here.

    Iani is correct "We only have ourselves to blame"

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