Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
Some useful and relevant links Doc
Thanks Ded . I've had much contact with nurses - professionally of course - over the years. Their roles are surely complementary - not antagonistic - to doctors and other healthcare workers. I lectured to student nurses on clinical medicine - of mutual benefit - until new education rules required non medical nurse tutors to take over that role .
In no way do I wish to appear patronising, and this is just my opinion, but I don't think degree programmes comprising 50% theory and 50% practice will produce the nurses we need, or encourage the right sort of person into a nursing career in the first place. But the NMC has made their decision. That's why there may be a future shortage. Being optimistic, that could spell a renewed need for filipino nurses in this country. They're also graduates, but must do a compulsory year working in Philippines hospital(s) before they're eligible. Of course, they will also be competing for posts with nurses from the EU ( there's a lack of jobs right now in Spain and Portugal ). Fingers crossed for the future .