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Thread: need some boost!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    need some boost!!

    sorry, i meant no drugs lol

    anyway,with so much waiting and after all the hurdles me and my husband had for the previous months, we are crossing our fingers that we will be able to submit our application by next month and am a bit scared and stressed just thinking of it. dont know if it has something to do with too much coffee lol.
    The overdrawn are now rid off, but the question i have in mind now is, is it really necessary that you have at least a thousand in your bank or not being overdrawn is okay? we have at least 1200 savings on building society but with his bank not really that much although he was able to maintain his account really well now that he is back in work and earning alot better.

    I also would like to know if it is okay to be submitting 3 months of statements and lots of payslips? i just don't want to include the statements where he was OD.

  2. #2
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    It's best to show no OD and I believe 3 months of statements can be used, however I've always submitted 6.

    Some of the guys will no doubt give you a more experienced response, good luck!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by myliitlehaven07 View Post
    sorry, i meant no drugs lol

    anyway,with so much waiting and after all the hurdles me and my husband had for the previous months, we are crossing our fingers that we will be able to submit our application by next month and am a bit scared and stressed just thinking of it. dont know if it has something to do with too much coffee lol.
    The overdrawn are now rid off, but the question i have in mind now is, is it really necessary that you have at least a thousand in your bank or not being overdrawn is okay? we have at least 1200 savings on building society but with his bank not really that much although he was able to maintain his account really well now that he is back in work and earning alot better.

    I also would like to know if it is okay to be submitting 3 months of statements and lots of payslips? i just don't want to include the statements where he was OD.
    Hi there,

    The UKBA do not specifically detail all the evidence you should supply and there isn't any actual amount stated in the 'immigration rules' that indicate just how much is considered as 'sufficient'. It's up to the sponsor and applicant to decide and submit proof that there is sufficient for them to maintain themselves adequately without needing public funds - see the maintenance (funds) page

    Maintenance may be provided by either:-

    The applicant with their own funds or with funds available to them
    The sponsor
    A combination of applicant and sponsor funds
    Third party support (from family members). The ECO may request evidence (for example, original bank statements over at least three months) of the third party's assets. Third party support is not precluded from consideration under the maintenance requirements relating to a spouse.

    In terms of Financial Standing and bank statements the UKBA only states that the ECO expects to see Bank Statements covering at least 3 months and showing regular transactions.

    In terms of showing evidence of regular employment and sufficient income you should submit pay slips. UKBA do not specify how many pay slips to submit but I would suggest a bare minimum of 3 months.
    Many applicants also include a letter from the sponsor's employer confirming employment status and sometimes supported by their most recent P60.

    Concerning the question on savings, the UKBA do not specifically state that you absolutely must show that you have plenty of savings.
    Maintenance (sufficient funding) can be proven by reference to both savings and/or regular income. However, most of those who have gone though the Spouse Visa process would advise on having at least some savings. It clearly costs quite a bit to cover the costs of Visa Application, Air fares, and to support someone for settlement in UK.
    In principle the ECO should reasonably expect to see evidence of savings (or other immediately available funds).
    I would have thought that something around £1500 - £2000 would be enough to cover those immediate expenses I mentioned above.

    Remember that the ECO evaluates the application as a 'whole'. They build up a complete picture. If the employment is stable, and if the regular income is clearly sufficient, then 3 months worth of bank statements should be OK.

    My personal opinion is to avoid drawing specific attention to any financial issue that might cause concern (such as overdrawn accounts). This is usually an indicator of living beyond ones means.

    This is just my opinion. At the end of the day you and your husband need to decide and agree whatever you feel comfortable to submit. Try to eliminate or minimise all risks.

    If you feel any insecurity or doubts please consider having your husband ask a specialist immigration advisor to complete a document check. At least that would boost you confidence.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Terpe ... your intervention is - as always - much appreciated.

  5. #5
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    thanks terpe! your right arthur terpe always to the rescue

    yes so far we have no OD BANK STATEMENTS to submit now as we have decided to wait till six months oh, will it help too to mention that we are expecting money off shares which we can provide with documents?

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