hi- (keith you didnt ban me )

1) i don't think there is a minimum salary you would need, but the only figure that i can ever remember seeing to support your wife is the minimum figure that she would get if she could claim income support/unemployment benefit. but obvious the less you get paid, the more chance of her needing 'recourse to public funds', i was made redundant about 6 years ago, as i was just going to apply for a spouse visa, and i took the first job i was offered and that was only 15k a year . but like you said, it depends on your out goings. also remember once your wife has a 2 yr spouse visa, she can work here straight away. and the £40 a week you mention is less than income support.

2) benefits of marrying in the philippines is cheaper, my wedding cost about £2000, not counting air tickets. but that was 5 years ago. , depends if any of your family is going with you. also if you marry in pinoyland, you can get a 2 yr spouse visa and as ive said she can look for a job stragiht away here, i cannot remeber if you can on a fiancee visa ???.

3) get your money back, you need the money more than her, its you who will be supporting her, not her supporting you.. . thats the kinda minimum figure you should have in your bank, when you apply for a visa.

get your 3k back before she spends it , put it in either a savings account or current account, find a job, start saving, your prob best putting it in a current account with your wages, so by the time you've paid your bills etc, you should still have about 3k left every month in it, instead of the £40 or so that you say you could only save.

you need to prove 3 things to get a visa

1) finances.
2) accommodation
3) a relationship

good luck thou,