Thank for reply mate firstly i trust her 100% secondly yes her parents are sensative i know what it is now after speaking to her this is also listed on web site its more supastition i would say Altar-bound couples are accident-prone and therefore must avoid long drives before their wedding day. * * * but she dont drive and they still think somethink will happen to her. also mate she lives in cebu city.
Originally posted by peterdavid@Aug 2 2005, 01:18 PM
Well, I wouldn't say it's exactly 'normal' - more the diktat of ultra-conservative parents, it seems to me. Does she live in a fairly remote area? My wife balked at the idea when she read this and commented "they must live in the province" ('Province' being that all-encapsulating filipino word meaning 'anywhere except Manila'.
Doesn't sound like anything to worry about, unless you think your future in-laws are going to start becoming a nuisance and asking for a dowry or something (or even worse, regular payments for life to "help the family" after the wedding, after they "helped you" by making sure she didn't see any other men). In which case, grin and bear it, get her out of there and never look back.