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Thread: Why So Many Posts On The Same Topics?

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member
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    I agree, Joe has made some very fair comments.

    Does it really matter what section these links are posted on ?
    If you don't want to participate in a discussion, don't click. Simple.

    Also bear in mind that in 1991 when I applied for a visa for my spouse the cost was £40, and ILR after 12 months for a few pounds.

    No English test. No 'life in the UK', just my proof of no impediment and a few other basic documents. Same for her 2 children.

    For those who have experienced monumental struggles in meeting the current requirements, and finding the money to finance them, even having a relative or girlfriend come visit you from the Phils - ask yourselves WHY ?

    It certainly has little to do with Fil/UK marriages, but EVERYTHING to do with the sort of issues that Joe and others have been highlighting.

    So, if anyone has recently successfully brought their loved ones into the country, consider yourselves very fortunate (as I do), but also consider what the effect of the criminal behaviour of other immigrants and the legislation likely to be introduced shortly to curb it is likely to have on OUR community on this forum.

    These ARE important issues. They are extremely relevant to many forum members, and if such things hadn't been repeatedly brushed under the carpet over the years the country wouldn't be in the parlous state of unrest that it is in now, and likely to be even more so in the future.

  2. #2
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I agree, Joe has made some very fair comments.

    Does it really matter what section these links are posted on ?
    If you don't want to participate in a discussion, don't click. Simple.
    I agree it's really as simple as that...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    I agree it's really as simple as that...

    or as Mr Shark never learnt on a members profile there is also the "Add to ignore list" button - use it

    I'm amazed that people are happy to roll over, be trampled upon, whilst glibly accepting the UK's descent into a multicultural dungheap where all the cards are stacked in favour of the criminals, terrorists, illegals, asylum seekers and general scum of the earth.

    I try to put some of my "Daily Mail" posts into UK or World News as for example immigration and extremism have European/Worldwide implications but I reckon the usual suspects would still moan.

    I can't see what is "political" about being concerned that scumbags desecrating a war memorial for metal or violently mugging an OAP are let off with a slap on the wrist. These are issues that should be a worry to all.

    Either use the ignore button or as raynaputi and Graham suggest adopt the simple solution of not reading a thread with a title that gives you a strong clue to its contents

  4. #4
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I agree, Joe has made some very fair comments.

    Does it really matter what section these links are posted on ?
    If you don't want to participate in a discussion, don't click. Simple.

    Whats the point in having all the different sections on the forum then if it doesn't matter which section we post in? Again, the OP says why is this part of the forum being dominated by news threads when there are two prefectly good sections dedicated to that subject matter. He agrees that there are some important news links posted on a range of topics just maybe put them in the news sections.

    People are very fast to fly off on a tangent
    It's been emontional

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