Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
most people are not, but then they wonder why over the years its become more expensive and why there are more conditions in getting a visa, some people should be worried what's going to happen in a couple of months from now

your paying for your wife to have the privilege of living in the UK and your paying for those who dont pay
I was just trying to take a humerous slant on this contentious thread as a whole. And I had to go anyway, few things to do. In truth I am not too bothered about the organisation of topics on the forum. I noticed early on that a few were in the wrong section but this didn't really bother me too much. I tend to look at what is prevalent / current and use the search function for other stuff.

In short, personally, I am quite happy with the organisation of the forum as it stands. Should it change in the future and be organised in a different way, then no doubt I will still be happy with it. This forum is free and I find it fantastic value for that so I am not bothered about any minor drawbacks.