hello everyone... it has been more than 2 months now since I left Philippines... the paperworks and the joy of having my visa approved was really awesome. I spent christmas and new years here for the first time with my fiancee. and now valentines day soon also our wedding date.today it snowed and eventhough it is night it doesnot look dark outside. I have not been going out so much. I don't go to work yet. No friends yet. I wish I could make friends soon. Living in the UK is really different in Phils. big difference. I need to get FLR visa extension in a few months soon. I wonder if those kind of application can possibly get denied. I feel I will start the real life in the UK when I get to go out like having a work and meet new friends. as of now, i'm at home still on vacation I feel. I wonder if there are pinays here who are new in London like me and I can make friends with. message me. ok. takecare