Philippine Basketball All Stars - Genesis UK Tour 2012
11 Feb 12

Genesis Professionals Basketball Organisation UK Ltd proudly presents for the very first time in UK Basketball history, the Philippine Basketball All Stars UK Tour 2012. After a successful tour in USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and UAE, the All Star Tour is coming to Liverpool!

This event is star-studded with Filipino all-time favourite basketball stars including:

Alvin "The Captain" Patrimonio
Allan "The Triggerman" Caidic
Avelino Samboy "Skywalker" Lim
Vergel "The Aerial Voyager" Meneses
Jerry "The Defence Minister" Codinera
Vince "The Prince" Hizon
Noli "The Tank" Locsin
Nelson "The Bull" Asaytono
Bal "The Flash" David
Olsen "Rara" Racela
Bong " Raven" Ravena
Mike "The Kite" Mustre
Ruel "The Clutch" Bravo
Jun "Mr Genesis” Carmona

Don’t miss your chance to see the 3 point Arsenal of Allan "The Triggerman" Caidic , the trademark moves of Alvin "The Captain" Patrimonio, the gravity defying moves of Vergel "The Aerial Voyager" Meneses and Samboy "Skywalker" Lim plus many more........

Come and support the event and be part of Philippine Basketball History in Liverpool!

scouseland and london, something my stepson would like to see,