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Thread: UK Visa Application Centre

  1. #1
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    UK Visa Application Centre

    ive been looking for number 3 on this list on the website,it says it has to be printed out but i cannot find it on the website,has anyone got a link to it please?

    1. Your passport
    2. A completed and signed visa form
    3. A completed printout of the checklist for the visa type being applied for – please download the checklist from our website
    4. Supporting documentation listed in the checklist.

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Thank you Ryanaputi.that was quick.does she have to print that whole thing out?
    could you answer this as well please. on the documents required page. it say all documents have to be original, but it asks for - evidence that you were both free to marry or enter your civil partnership, if either of you was previously married or in a civil partnership - in other words my divorce papers,my wife does have copies of this but i have the original here in the UK,surely they dont expect me to post it to the philippines.her appointment is in 17 days from now anyway,.

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Yes she have to print that checklist. It is stated there that you have to submit the original. You should comply with that just to lessen the risk of refusal. They would give it back anyway. When I applied for my visa, Keith sent all his original documents to me except for his passport (he sent a photocopy of it which was authenticated)..there are some members that submitted scanned copies of documents and granted a visa..but as every application is handled by different persons in the embassy, you won't know who would approve or just to lessen the risk of refusal, submit originals. you can post all your original documents via DHL or FedEx or other reliable courier services and not by regular post.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  5. #5
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    thanks for that,she has copies of everything,my passport as well,(not authenticated) i took thm with me when i went there in November,that was before i discoverd all these requirements looking through the site this week,dhl & fedex want 55 to 60 pounds to deliver just 2 or 3 certificates,not cheap.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    what certificates are they ?
    there is a website that uses dhl/fedex and its a lot cheaper, cant remember the name, but search on here you should find it.

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Peter's Avatar
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    Hi! My fiance is applying for fiance visa it says on the check list that we shud have letter from the my bank. I phoned my bank 2days ago and they dont want me to have a letter stating that I have account to them. Is it ok if we dont attach a letter from my bank? my banks statements are the one i received every month I ask them also a copy but they said I have to pay them 2.50pounds each.

  8. #8
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what certificates are they ?
    there is a website that uses dhl/fedex and its a lot cheaper, cant remember the name, but search on here you should find it.
    its just my divorce papers and my original birth certificate,. 55 or 60 pounds is a lot just for that dont you think?

  9. #9
    Member Stephen550's Avatar
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    Hi , I think you will find the bank statements are ok, this is proof that you have an account, you need to send at least 6 months of statements. Best of Luck.

  10. #10
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    When your partner goes to the application center to submit her documents, she will be given a checklist. It's all the documents that she submitted with the application. The first page contains all mandatory requirements (passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.) and she'll check whether she submitted both the original copy and a duplicate. On the second page, she will list down all other documents submitted in support of the application (support letter from my husband, emails, cards, remittances, etc.). Good thing I printed out an itemized list of ALL documents I submitted. This saved me from writing it all on the second page. The person who assisted me just attached it to the checklist and had me sign it. I also printed out the guide found in but the person who assisted me said this is just a guide and the checklist is basically an inventory of the documents submitted with your application.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    its just my divorce papers and my original birth certificate,. 55 or 60 pounds is a lot just for that dont you think?
    It cost me 49 quid with TNT for 3 kgs of paperwork.

  12. #12
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    From the point of view of submitting the application as a whole, I dont think the checklist is a key document. We printed it off and it went in with all of the other paperwork, almost as an afterthought. We didn't strictly follow the checklist anyway, though we did refer to it for guidance....I think there is more than one way of organising the paperwork well and I feel certain that there is such a variety of circumstances, from individual case to individual case, that strict adherence to the checklist isn't warranted.

    We submitted our own seperate inventory.

    From what my wife says, VFS were quite happy with the way our paperwork was submitted.

  13. #13
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    thanks lastlid, iM NOT GOING TO BOTHER SENDING MY ORIGINAL DIVORCE PAPER, my wife already has a copy of it,that will have to be good enought,anyway as we are already married & submited ALL our paper work to the Phill authorites for that,what use is a divorce certificate now?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    thanks lastlid, iM NOT GOING TO BOTHER SENDING MY ORIGINAL DIVORCE PAPER, my wife already has a copy of it,that will have to be good enought,anyway as we are already married & submited ALL our paper work to the Phill authorites for that,what use is a divorce certificate now?
    We did include the original copy of my divorce papers in my wife's Spouse Visa application.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    thanks lastlid, iM NOT GOING TO BOTHER SENDING MY ORIGINAL DIVORCE PAPER, my wife already has a copy of it,that will have to be good enought,anyway as we are already married & submited ALL our paper work to the Phill authorites for that,what use is a divorce certificate now?
    We all make our own decisions on these things.
    I agree with your logic, but remember this is UKBA and not Piliippines Authorities.
    Please don't take offence but I always advise on minimising risk. Don't give these people anything that can be used as a reason for refusal or delay.

  16. #16
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    what are these new rules coming into force in April,i cant remember what they are but i do remember thinking that we/i cant meet them.
    is it true that my wifes english language certificate & her p/port have to be in the same name? coz her KET cert is in her married name & her p/port which she has just renewed is in her maiden name,and as she has already got an appointment with the VSF she hasnt enought time to go to Cebu for the seminar and change the name in her p/port to mine. unless she cancels the appointment (before pay the 58,230 Pesos) but then that will probably take us into April when those new rules come into force,.are we beaten?

  17. #17
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    I sent my wife both my original birth certificate and my original divorce papers on an all or nothing basis, but knowing that I could easily get replacements if I had to. I got them back just a 6 weeks later after she handcarried them to me, here in the Isle of Man!

  18. #18
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    ok lastlid.thanks.
    heres the reply i got to my email to the VSF. im not sure what shes saying.
    Dear Mr ,

    Either her passport or English Test result is valid and would be accepted when she applies for a visa. Kindly make sure she would also submit a copy of her marriage and birth certificate.

    Thank you.

  19. #19
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    I see what you mean.......she uses the word either but I take that to mean both. I take the reply to confirm what Steve said in his posting.

  20. #20
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    yea i see what you mean, when you replace the word 'either' with 'both' it makes more sense. as you say it confirms what Steve said, which is good news,thank God.thanks for that.

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