My Financee in the Phils had a baby boy last week (very happy) and we would like to make the baby's surname my name on the birth certificate. My situation is complicated in that I've been going through a messy divorce for 18 months and although we have passed the Nisi stage I did not have the final divorce paper when the baby was born in Phils. I should have the final paper in next few weeks, however I read on the NSO site that our baby is classed as illegetimate and because I was not free to marry on the babies birth date, the baby cannot take my surname.
Does anyone know anyway around this, as I wanted to apply for a UK passport for my son, but I think this will be impossible now due to him having to take the mothers surname. I'm assuming I will have to apply for a Visa for both my son and my spouse when I marry my Phils financee later in the year. Any advice would be gratefully received.