Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
Correct me if I am wrong, but surely the whole point of the requirement for the CNI exchange at the UKBA is that it is a more robust way of ensuring eligibilty for marriage than a CENOMAR, for us Brits?
That's the rational view, you would've thought! But logic seems to "disappear out the window" where certain aspects of marriage - and more particulary *divorce (*which isn't legally recognised in the Phils) legislation - over there, are concerned.

For instance ... I've never understood WHY it should be deemed necessary to exchange a British CNI for a Phils version - as (to MY mind, at least) the former is a much more authentic~looking document than the latter if we're talking in terms of "keeping things right" with the Philippines' authorities. Indeed, since the British Embassy is charged with the responsiblity for implementing the transfer - and collecting the extortionate additional fee - there's no financial incentive to be had by the Pinas Government ... so what the hell's it all for?