Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
The part of Ricky's post is the second step ... AFTER you get your Phil/UK Embassy approved document. Step 2 is going to your local Municiple, where you take your papers and your partner's papers for them to issue thier 'call it what you will' CENOMAR, which takes an extra 10 days to get. I think this is where the confusion in this thread is happening, because without this local document you cannot get married.
Did you mean MARRIAGE LICENSE Mr Steve?

We have just got married recently, My husband got his CNI from UK after 22 days. Then he arrived here in the Philippines, we then went to the British embassy the next day to exchange his UK CNI to local CNI. It was issue after an hour. We proceeded to City hall to apply for Marriage license and got seminars done. The Civil registrar officer posted our marriage license application for 10 days. After 10 days we went back to City hall to collect our marriage license we were then free to marry. We had church wedding.

Here are the list of documents we submitted:

My husband:

Local CNI from British embassy
Birth Certificate
Copy of passport
2x2 picture


Birth Certificate
Brgy. Clearance
Parental consent
2x2 picture

Family planning certificate
Marriage counselling certificate