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Thread: Greece starts building border fence with Turkey

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Greece starts building border fence with Turkey

    Talking about borders with Scotland, Greece is building a fence with Turkey

  2. #2
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    Too late all the asylum seeking dross have legged over for years. A squad of men with baseball bats would be more effective.

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    The Greek and Turkish hatred of each other is still present today. A few years ago I was in a taxi from Rhodes airport to my holiday home. Across a narrow channel of water I could see a land mass just a few miles away.

    I asked the taxi driver what it was? In barely intelligible English he said "istookey" or something like, then he wound down his window, spat out of his window and said " No, is F***ng Tookey" ....then I knew what he meant He then went on to complain about America selling weapons and Jets to Tookey

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    The Greek and Turkish hatred of each other is still present today. A few years ago I was in a taxi from Rhodes airport to my holiday home. Across a narrow channel of water I could see a land mass just a few miles away.

    I asked the taxi driver what it was? In barely intelligible English he said "istookey" or something like, then he wound down his window, spat out of his window and said " No, is F***ng Tookey" ....then I knew what he meant He then went on to complain about America selling weapons and Jets to Tookey
    I remember a few years ago being at a friends house his 8 year old and pals were playing a board game Risk or something to do with countries and they were coming up with Brit slang names for different nationalities - frog, kraut, greaseball etc. They got a bit stuck with Turkey then one piped up "Filthy Turks" !

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