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Thread: hello, newbie here offers help, advise

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameskirk View Post
    hi, i'm a male newbie member here from manila, philippines, i have accidentally found and am glad to be a member of this website. all i can say is that while there are many successful marriage with a filipina, the other side of the coin is that there are many filipina who will marry just to get out of poverty since philippines is a very poverty stricken country.

    past and present, i have had many filipina girlfriends, i don't think that there is any problem is filipina would just marry to get out of poverty but there are those filipina who are really bad, e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid. i do assume you cannot really spot someone especially if you're not familiar our culture and our way of living here. sometimes just by personally conversing with someone i can easily spot these types as to whether they are really worth the effort or not.

    if anyone want some advise on filipino women, then maybe i can help...

  2. #32
    Respected Member Chrisirene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conchita View Post
    not all filipino men...but i bet he is one of those...(manggagamit!)
    Think he just jealous

  3. #33
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    First of all, I want to apologize for the people I’ve offended. I have no intention to hurt anybody regarding my post. i don't claim to be an expert in filipino women. i've been branded as a user (manggagamit) but i am not offended on such remark because it is the opinion of those who have read my post. i have no bad intention here but rather I want to help. if some of us think that my post is offensive to filipina, then they better think again. after all, it is not i who will suffer the consequence.

    There is one thing that I want to clarify here, I am not generalizing that all Filipino women are gold diggers, but there are those who are. I am not forcing anyone to get my advise, if you do not want to, then don’t get my advise.

    If I have mistakes regarding my views, I think that telling me exactly what my mistakes are is more constructive than calling me idiot, manggagamit, asshole, , HORRIBLE, SICK & MAD!, MORON and my post example of idiocy and stupidity. Is this the western way of saying that someone is wrong???

    I put a challenge to all those people who have called me names to prove that I am what they’ve called me and prove that my post is an example of idiocy and stupidity. If they have proven that they are right, then I will gladly accept my mistakes, and rest assured, I will not call people names that they don’t deserve.

  4. #34
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You are talking from YOUR one here is that stupid

    I'm not sure anyone here called you names that didn't fit your first post, and most of them fit your second.

    Keep digging that hole, you'll soon be in Aussie land
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #35
    Respected Member prettyd30's Avatar
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    You're still wondering why this girls reacted like that? I thought you knew Filipino women very well, i guess you missed something then. Posting a comment like this is a very irresponsible thing to do, you should have thought what people would feel. You're saying you're not generalizing all Filipino women but you just did.

    jameskirk wrote: filipina who are really bad, e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid

    Have you met this girls, are some of them your girlfriends? People here are not that stupid they can easily spot it if something goes wrong.

    You wrote on your first post i can easily spot these types as to whether they are really worth the effort or not but on your second post you said I don't claim to be an expert in filipino women.
    How come you can spot these type of women if your not an expert with them?

    Try reading this thread you might have a second thought of that advise thing of yours....
    There is only one happiness in life...
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  6. #36
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Most filipina married foreigners bcoz they are more faithful than filipino men! ok! and don't generalize them! although i know some gold diggers like japayuki. but hello! we're in UK!

  7. #37
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Doesn't it work the other way....white English guy is gold-digging in the Phil for love? Gets her the the UK...send them out to work, still want tea on the table at 6pm every night, breakfast in bed, sex whenever, ironing & washing done daily...etc...etc...

    ( I've just described Joe )
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #38
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Doesn't it work the other way....white English guy is gold-digging in the Phil for love? Gets her the the UK...send them out to work, still want tea on the table at 6pm every night, breakfast in bed, sex whenever, ironing & washing done daily...etc...etc...
    ( I've just described Joe )
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  9. #39
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    First of all, I do get shock on the response of my post. Sorry if people here feels bad about my post, but I want to clarify one thing, I am not saying that all filipinas are gold diggers, have ill wills etc... I don't think that posting the following statement is generalizing that every filipina is bad: " filipina who are really bad, e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid". please do read the statement carefully. my statement is specifically targeted to filipinas who are gold diggers,etc., and i've mentioned that these are the ones you guys should avoid.

    As to my answer on the question of prettyd30, i really don't claim to be an expert in filipina, but then who among us can say they are experts in filipina? all i can say i that i have had many experience with filipina girlfriends (past and present) and there are those the gold digger, etc. but there are also many good filipinas, filipinas are can be good wives. i have seen filipina in lower and upper class of our society and whatever things i am mentioning is based on my experience. i do agree with you that foreigners (especially british men) are more faithful to their wives than filipino men, then then again there are those bad foreigner (other races but this is another topic). In our society, filipino men have a machismo way of thinking meaning that they are more macho and virile if they have many women so it is reasonable to you to say that foreigner are more faithful than filipino men. Also i don't think that people here is stupid.
    i am just hoping that everyone here will be successful in their marriage with a filipina.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameskirk View Post
    I don't think that posting the following statement is generalizing that every filipina is bad: " filipina who are really bad, e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid".
    You did say it, quote from your first post of this thread:

    " filipina..... e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid. "

    JamesKirk, so who said it then? Your identical twin? Maybe Mr Spock told you to say it. How about Scotty, did he have a hand in all this? And Dr Bones where was he? How about Scotty beams you up from that hole you've just dug yourself? Maybe you've reached Australia already and its too late?

    Its life Jim, but not as we know it. Oo-er. Some advice for you:

  11. #41
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    Hi Mr. Walesrob,*cough* you did not include "THERE ARE THOSE the above statement, I did not accuse all filipina of being gold digger, etc., "THERE ARE THOSE" "means that there *cough*are, but it doesn't mean that all is included. i was wondrin' why did you not include those 3 little words in your above quote when you've posted it? did you know that it could make much of the *cough*difference in meaning. Please be fair!!! Do we need the logic of Mr. Spock to analyze this? Also, the fact the you have included the word "THESE" in my quote above means i am referring to some particular group and not all filipina. If the filipina you've known or is reading this are not included in that *cough*type, so why be offended??? Is there *cough*anyone saying here that there no filipinas included in the gold digging type? I am not denying anything that i've posted, *cough**cough*but please do carefully read all my post first before commenting anything...
    I have some question here....where in my post have you*cough* read that i've included "ALL FILIPINA"? Why should many people here be offended in this type of post?

  12. #42
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    Thats a nasty cough you have there, I recommend Strepsils.

    Thread now locked.

  13. #43
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    And Dr Bones where was he?
    He's dead

    Thread now locked.
    Not for me ....I could go on for hours......
    Keith - Administrator

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