Quote Originally Posted by jameskirk View Post
hi, i'm a male newbie member here from manila, philippines, i have accidentally found and am glad to be a member of this website. all i can say is that while there are many successful marriage with a filipina, the other side of the coin is that there are many filipina who will marry just to get out of poverty since philippines is a very poverty stricken country.

past and present, i have had many filipina girlfriends, i don't think that there is any problem is filipina would just marry to get out of poverty but there are those filipina who are really bad, e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid. i do assume you cannot really spot someone especially if you're not familiar our culture and our way of living here. sometimes just by personally conversing with someone i can easily spot these types as to whether they are really worth the effort or not.

if anyone want some advise on filipino women, then maybe i can help...
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