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Thread: Farewell to a martyr to political correctness

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Farewell to a martyr to political correctness

    Bradford headmaster Ray Honeyford - hounded for warning of the perils of multiculturalism - dies a saddened but vindicated man

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  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    R I P Ray Honeyford

  3. #3
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    Summed up very well here by a Hate Mail reader

    Multiculturalism has indeed proved to be a divisive and failed experiment. A common culture creates a bond between people of different ethnicities and backgrounds; common language, dress code and a common law. I'm quite happy with a multi-ethnic society but multiculturalism leads to division and friction and the experiment needs to be abandoned straight away.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Summed up very well here by a Hate Mail reader

    Multiculturalism has indeed proved to be a divisive and failed experiment. A common culture creates a bond between people of different ethnicities and backgrounds; common language, dress code and a common law. I'm quite happy with a multi-ethnic society but multiculturalism leads to division and friction and the experiment needs to be abandoned straight away.
    try swapping Multiculturalism with the words 'European Union'

  5. #5
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Something not on that site (It wouldn't be, it was a little obscure at the time), is what was going on at and around his school at the time.
    We studied this news story at school in RE, and I took an interest in the local papers.

    The issue I refer to, is where a reporter spent time shadowing Ray one day. They reported how Ray had in his office some of the protestors (aka right-ons with their own agenda). He implored them to keep their focus of attacks on him if they so wished, but to leave the children out of it. The right-ons smugly dismissed this. They later handed out their sour leaflets, made jokes to the children about Ray.........cist, and started the kids in a chant of "Honeyford out, Honeyford out".

    What isn't immediately apparent to many of us today, is that back in the 80's, the left wing wreckers were a lot more militant and plain nasty than happens today. If we think things are bad today - well it's nothing compared to the 80's.

    The indoctrination of children was a high priority for these people. You can probably picture them - baggy clothes, cnd earrings, work either in the mediyah (sic) or as political advisors- or some other mickey mouse job.

    Ray was a very honourable man, and his hounding by his lessers was a huge miscarriage of justice. That no less (hrmph) than Trevor Phillips is now saying much the same thing only makes it the more sickening.

    There is a thorn in the side of our free democracy, where it is too easy to scream the word "racist".
    What this really usually means is, one of the so called liberal elite thinks "I don't like what you are saying, I am incapable of offering a counter argument, I know deep down you are probably correct - so I will shut you up by calling you names and slandering your reputation"

    Anyone attacking multiculturalism is immediately screamed down as racist and no less than a jackbooted right arm raiser.

    What they fail to realise, is that multiculturalism is absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with race, or racism. It's only a few "western" countries who have tried multiculturalism - and they are all gradually realising it is a failure and must be dumped.

    It is nothing to do with not letting anyone not caucasian come here, and that they must like eating yorkshire puddings and support Blighty at the cricket. It is the thought that in a society, we can have many contrasting cultures. This has clearly not worked.

    It is now slowly being recognised that of course, people can keep their own traditions, dress code, diet etc - but if they want to come here, they must want to live life the British way..........but at the same time keep their unique identity.

    Frankly, the only people who ever were keen on multiculturalism, were white middle class left wing people - who of course lived no-where near anyone "of colour", and their only experience of this was watching videos of Love Thy Neighbour. and Tarzan.

    RIP Mr Honeyford, maybe you picked the wrong publication to write to, but you were a brave voice at the time. You took on more than you could manage, as leaked documents now prove - even the tories were implicit in this.

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