Yes it's about oil, but it's also about the 2000 or so BRITISH born and bred Falklanders who have no wish to be annexed against their will by a second-rate bunch of South American losers.
off Argies, it's OURS !
Yes it's about oil, but it's also about the 2000 or so BRITISH born and bred Falklanders who have no wish to be annexed against their will by a second-rate bunch of South American losers.
off Argies, it's OURS !
HMS Stick will soon be lurking in the River Plate with its Tomahawks targetted on the Presidential Palace.
This is all about a failing President trying to improve her popularity.
PS Steve it's Prince William thats over there, Harry is hoping to be hosing down the Taliban shortly
Dear Graham: I'm from argentina and let me enlighten you a little about the former and current political
situation regarding the MALVINAS islands. those 2000 british citizens you speak about were ILEGALLY put there to have a political excuse at the UN. I trust you already know that geopolitically/geographically
the islands belong to Argentina, so i will not expand on this issue. I also trust you already know that the
"falklands" are being ILEGALLY occupied by the UK. it's just laughable hoy Mr. James Cameron states that Argentina is a "colonialist" country. it is fu**ing hilarious, since the UK are Historically the number 1 pirate colonialist land-robbing empire. (Do you have a proper education, i wonder?). I only know that sooner or later, the Malvinas islands WILL return to Argentina, since Justice and truthfulness is on our side, as acknowledged by 80% of the planet. I resent you comment calling us south americans "a second-rate bunch of South American losers". Let me state that i do not hold a grudge towards the brits, since i have many dear friends in there, which are wonderful people, and also educated (not like you, thankfully). You are being manipulated by your media and government. You can make all the excuses you want, but these excuses will not mean any of them are valid, since the "falklands" are rightfully argentinian and you are ILEGALLY(please read some history if you disagree) occuping them.Oh, and also, IN MY BOOK, the losers are the thieves, criminals, lobbysts and public-opinion manipulators you seem to support. LEt me finish by saying that as your OWN media (BBC for example) state, around 70% of UK citizens dont EVEN KNOW what the falklands are or dont even know the first thing abut the 1982 conflict, as opposed to the almost 40 million argentinians that are very sensitive about this issue and very aware of the situation. You should be ashamed.OH and please note, we are not alone, we have all south america supporting us. Time will tell if JUSTICE shall be done.
I think you will find that the FALKLAND ISLANDS belong to theUnited Kindom
What claim you had, you deserted many many years ago.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
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