Firstly, those islands have never been part of Argentina, they do not belong to Argentina any more than they belong to the UK. The Argentinian claim is no more than wanting to expand their colonial agenda. They marched into Patagonia.........
Secondly the UK is historically one of Argentina's oldest friends. The UK helped build up the country in the first place, and many places and buildings have British heritage. It is a great pity these islands have to come in the way of this.
Thirdly, the Malvinas/Falklands, call it what you will were invaded by a fascist dictatorship. If instead of this, Argentina had all along befriended the islanders, told them how good it would mutually benefit them being part of the great country Argentina is (and make no mistake - it is), then imagine how things could have been different. they have really missed a trick, and this sabre waving is making no friends whatsoever.
Fourthly, it could not be made public at the time, as it would have compromised intelligence security, but the Belgrano was actually a threat. It is extremely regrettable it was sank, but in doing so it maybe saved more Argentinian lives in the long run as their navy didn't go near again. Perhaps the left wingers in the UK who have screamed about this ever since, will now make a public apology, and maybe even express regret for the UK naval lives lost!
Fifthly perhaps Argentina would like to press to take the whole decision to an international tribunal. Strangely enough they won't - and neither will the British. Why - because neither side could be sure they would win. The British side won't because the islands are so near Argentina and this might go against them. The Argentinians won't because every single other bit of historical evidence is against them. The whole thing is ridiculous in this day and age.
Oh and sixthly, it could be argued that the defeat led to the overthrow of the dictatorship and the establishment of democracy in Argentina, so really, perhaps they should be thanking the UK for that. The Argentinian military is no threat to the islands as the Argentinian government daren't let them become too powerful just in case they revert to form and overthrow the government.
The islanders, well I am told by someone who served in the military there that they were an unfriendly unpleasant bunch, but the fact is they've been there probably longer than many in the colonised south of Argentina. Argentina then can bog off frankly![]()