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Thread: Spouse Visa with 2 dependent Children

  1. #1
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    Spouse Visa with 2 dependent Children

    Hi all,

    Well the Mrs passed her English test so it's all systems go now, so now on my second full weekend of document gathering and copying I'm thinking about the actual online application and subsequent submission of the supporting documents and there are a couple of things I'm not sure about.

    We are applying for 3 visas, one for Ann and one each for son John and daughter Daryl.

    Is it correct that we need to fill in separate visa applications for all three of them, but with the kids also included as dependents on Anns application?

    When the paper documents are submitted at VFS do we need have separate supporting documentation for each application or will they be treated as a bundle?

    Any advice?


  2. #2
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    are they your kids? if so no need..they need to apply for english passport as they are british by descent if am correct BUT if not YOURS.. THEN YES they need to apply for visa each and separate as they are dependent of the Mrs

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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    are they your kids? if so no need..they need to apply for english passport as they are british by descent if am correct BUT if not YOURS.. THEN YES they need to apply for visa each and separate as they are dependent of the Mrs

    good question Ros, are they your children or step children ? also if they are step children do they have contact with their bio father?

  4. #4
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    If the children are yours then no visa needed, just British Passports.

    If the children are not yours you may need to provide documentation that the biological father agrees to the children leaving.

    If they are stepchildren, then as a first step please look at the UKBA webpage Bringing your children
    It states:-
    "If you are applying for a visa to come to the UK as a husband, wife or civil partner, and you want to bring your children with you, you must name them on your visa application. However, they will also need to apply for their own visas."

    Just follow the links including the Immigration Rules, part 8 link on the right-hand side.

    Hope this helps.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    good question Ros, are they your children or step children ? also if they are step children do they have contact with their bio father?
    hello joe i got a similar situation so i think i give it a ans.. my 2 children had there english passport while the other one is my dependent as spouse
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  6. #6
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    Thanks for the replies, sorry for not getting back sooner but I've been ill the last few days. The kids are step kids but I do know all about the need to show sole responsibility etc - it's always been my biggest worry but I hope we have enough evidence now.

    Their father did in fact sign an affidavit drawn up by an attorney declaring that he has no objection to the kids emigrating and ceding all responsibility for them to my wife, but as she has brought them up entirely alone 600 odd miles away from him for the last year, and with only me providing support I think that should be academic anyway.

  7. #7
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    Same situation as mine. Separate application forms for everyone but you just share the documents submitted. So in your case, you need to fill out 3 application forms but just 1 set of documents. What I did when I was preparing our application was to fill out the online application form so I have an idea what questions are asked for dependents. You can actually fill out the online application form even if you're not yet ready to submit it as long as you don't actually hit submit when you're done. You can just save it and if there's no activity within 7 days then it just gets automatically deleted or if you don't want to repeat filling it out, just make sure you access it every so often (not more than 7 days). I think I attempted to fill out my form not less than 5x using the same email address. Actually, even if you've submitted the application form, you can fill out the form again if you made a mistake - just make sure you take note of your new application ID. I had to do this with my son's application form because I made a mistake when answering the finances part. I put none or n/a when there's a note there that it has to be the same answer as mine.

  8. #8
    Member shalona's Avatar
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    am interested to know which question you put none & n/a and then you had to correct it ....what did the question say? ..... we have just submitted online application and put n/a for one of the finance questions (i think it asked my wife what her monthly costs are....but we put n/a & then noted for the ECO to refer that all costs were being covered by me the sponsor as we live together as family already, but not in UK & therefore 'costs' are covered in the bit where I say what my monthly outgoings are, which I also noted to the ECO was for all of us as a family) .....

  9. #9
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    I replied none or n/a to some of the finances section of my son's application. When I printed out and reviewed the application form, I read a note saying that the information there should be that of the main applicant or something.

  10. #10
    Member manilabong's Avatar
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    Hello. What do you mean by getting a british passport? My husband and I have 1 kid and I'll be applying for a spouse visa a few months from now so does that mean I won't list our kid as my dependent but instead get him a British passport? Thank you!

  11. #11
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manilabong View Post
    Hello. What do you mean by getting a british passport? My husband and I have 1 kid and I'll be applying for a spouse visa a few months from now so does that mean I won't list our kid as my dependent but instead get him a British passport? Thank you!
    If your husband is British and it is his child then if you meet all the requirements then you should apply for a British passport rather than a dependent visa.

    here are the details you need to apply for a British passport

  12. #12
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    hi manilabong! thats right your son dont need to apply for a visa.he only needs the british passport. just follow the links given here and provide all the necessary documents that is needed and it will just be fine.

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