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Thread: Quake in Dumaguete

  1. #1
    Respected Member Koala's Avatar
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    Quake in Dumaguete

    The day after the quake that measured 6.9....It all started at 11.49am yesterday....Both my partner and I were both on computers in our office in our house.....Then the rumbling followed by the violet shaking....all the kitchen draws flew open glasses started to fall from the side board smashing on the ground.....Light fittings swinging in the air.....The walls and windows were like jelly.....It lasted for about 15 sec but it seemed like 15 min.

    Its hard to explain you are just waiting for things to start collasping or the walls & floors to start cracking apart.

    To look out the window and the 2m high concrete fence and the mango trees shaking......Just this power to move everything insight all around you.....Then it stops.

    We were holding on to our desks and our eyes were the sizes off dinner move around the house checking for damage.......power is gone out the phone is dead and there is no sound at all dead quite.

    We sit down to take the stress level down and 20 mins later it starts all over again.....I said I hope the 1st one wasn't just a warning of the mega one that we are in now....We both took off outside of the house.....we had 9 after shocks that were 5 and above....

    The worst thing about it 3 hrs after the big quake some .......s started texting that the city was about to get hit be a Tsinami......Then the txt messages swept like wild fire thru out the city and the panic gripped the community and 1000's of people started to head to the hills....The Mayor went on the airwaves at 2.00pm one hour before the txt messages started tell the public don't panick the Pilvolic (Gov't monitering center) has informed the Mayor that no Tsinami is coming after 2 hrs of the major quake...

    There was no need to cause major panic in the community by these dickheads, specially for the young kids and older folks who started fleeing up to the hills which could cause accidents and creat more problems to the their stress levels and health.

    Fortunately everybody here is fine.

    I have been trying to add pics but they won't upload.....I have to get back to work at the building site I will try tommorow.


  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Glad to read that you, your family and property are all safe Koala

    You've not had a good time recently, I seem to remember you posting a few months ago about the floods and landslides in your area following the typhoons at the end of 2011.

    Is it time to move on to somewhere a bit safer?

    Coincidentally, yesterday I was speaking to a Kiwi/Brit who has recently moved back to the Uk after 5 years in NZ. He was telling me that he sold his house 3 weeks before the big quake hit Christchurch last spring. The new owner lost everything

  3. #3
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    My wife's sister is a school teacher in Dumaguete. She and the kids were evacuated to Valencia yesterday and are now waiting for the all clear...

  4. #4
    Respected Member Koala's Avatar
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    Thanks Englishman

    Yes it is time to move out of Dgte. We have our house on the market and are planning to move to Cebu.

    Dgte has had the floods from tropical Sendong.........It is very rare that a typhoon goes thru this neck of the neigborhood......generally they move up the eastern seaboard to Samar Leyte. and Luzon......Just as I'm typing we just had another aftershock and my screen is moving all over the place.....We have had over a thousand after shocks now.

    This is the biggest quake we had close to the city in many years....They didn't even know there was a fault in this location.....So in another words it hasn't happened before.

    We have just heard on the news that 71 people have been found dead under a landslide caused by the quake in Guihulngan 74km north of dgte at the epic center.

    We live 1km south of the dgte airport which is buzzing at the moment with military choppers as the President has flown in and the only way to get medical supplies, food and water to the people effected at the epic center is by bridges are down and roads are just in-passable.

    It certainly was an experience one of this magnitude anyway.....and don't want to experience it again thank you very much.

    I think schools will open again today after they have been inspected and given the all clear....and the same for gov't buildings.

    The new Robinsons mall is still close as the big glass front enterance near KFC cracked and came smashing down fortunately know body was injured.....The mall hasn't been given the structure clearance yet to re-open.

    I will keep you all posted


  5. #5
    Trusted Member
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    Thanks so much for posting Koala, graphic description made all the more poignant by the fact that I was in your area ( Bohol ) within sight of Dumaguete, just 3 months ago. Please take care and do keep us updated when you can.

  6. #6
    Respected Member
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    Thanks for taking the time to reply Koala

    Sorry to hear you're planning on moving on, I hope that you don't lose too much money given the recent problems in the area Hopefully you won't have any problems in Cebu

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