Hello John in Devon,Where do we start,this is my short version of eventsits a long way to go Courting,some 8000 miles and maybe two x 24hrs away from this country England,you have strong feelings for each other,the family will welcome you as there own,maybe as Sheriels husband,be introduced to Parents and family,i got to know,maybe more than 40 from Barangay Bunga,Leyte were curious to meet me the last time we were there ididnt have much time for ourselves,Beware,many families have 6,7,8,children and even more,1 not being rude,how much money are you prepared to budget,for this life changing adventure,if you have a prepared budget,you will find that you had better have a spare 1000 pounds in a bank,you will need it, i say get her to apply for a visitors Visa,before you meet in the Philippines and you will return with her,i found there important documentation process eye opening,slow isnt the word for it,things take weeks when here in England,sort out in maybe two days,most people there expect that all foreigners are very rich,Beware,many will need bribes to get things moving in your Favour,if only 250 or 500 pesos,these are employess are only earning maybe 250 pesos a day,any one on this Forum with experience of the Philippines will Agree with our story,i will not add any more comment,good luck John our thoughts are with you freind.