Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
Any interesting differences between Scotland and the rest of the UK on this one Doc? My understanding is that the problem is bigger, north of the border.
You are correct, and Arthur's drinking habits are unusual ( that is, low ).
Scots drink - on average - a quarter more alcohol per head than the English and Welsh. Alcohol - related deaths are twice those south of the border, and alcohol figures in about half of homicides ( fact, not Taggart ).
There has been a raft of measures to control the problem. For over 2 years licensing has been tightened, promotions reduced in pubs and clubs, displays in shops restricted, with more counselling / treatment.
Last autumn in Glasgow there began a crackdown on under age drinking, and a " booze bus " ( just one ) has been helping drunks this winter. There is to be a pilot scheme for offenders who get the chance to avoid custodial sentences by wearing an " anklet " alcohol monitor.
The SNP, supported by medics and police, may succeed in making minimum pricing law by April . But not everyone agrees ( moderate drinkers, whisky producers, and Labour opposition ) and there could be problems with European competition law.
It's too early to be sure, but alcohol - related deaths may be starting to fall, with fewer Scots drinking over the limit .