You are correct, and Arthur's drinking habits are unusual ( that is, low).
Scots drink - on average - a quarter more alcohol per head than the English and Welsh. Alcohol - related deaths are twice those south of the border, and alcohol figures in about half of homicides ( fact, not Taggart).
There has been a raft of measures to control the problem. For over 2 years licensing has been tightened, promotions reduced in pubs and clubs, displays in shops restricted, with more counselling / treatment.
Last autumn in Glasgow there began a crackdown on under age drinking, and a " booze bus " ( just one ) has been helping drunks this winter. There is to be a pilot scheme for offenders who get the chance to avoid custodial sentences by wearing an " anklet " alcohol monitor.
The SNP, supported by medics and police, may succeed in making minimum pricing law by April . But not everyone agrees ( moderate drinkers, whisky producers, and Labour opposition ) and there could be problems with European competition law.
It's too early to be sure, but alcohol - related deaths may be starting to fall, with fewer Scots drinking over the limit.