Personally I enjoy a drink or three.
I especially enjoy a nice glass of wine with food, plated or snacks, and of course relaxing in the company of friends.
When the mood takes me I also really enjoy a glass of ice cold beer. San Miguel Lite's quite nice.
I used to drink loads of beer in Japan. Especially after a hard day's work at the office, we'd all go out for eating drinking and karaoke. The whole office. Now that's real team bonding.Wonderful times.
The funny thing is though I've never been really drunk. Most people know when it's time to 'call-time', don't they?
I've never staggered around the streets bladdered, rat-arsed,hammered,p*$$*d,slaughtered,s**t-faced,smashed or a***holed etc. Funny just how many colourful Synonyms the English language uses to describe levels of drunkeness.
I can admit to feeling under the weather after being on 'the sauce', and to be honest I have occasionally fallen asleep after too much of the 'old sherbert'.
But seriously, to my mind, the really major alcohol related problems seem to blight our towns and cities on Friday and Saturday nights.
It's almost as though certain sections of society just don't know how to enjoy a night out with friends that doesn't depend on boozing until completely rat-arsed.
Surely it's not beyond our capabilities to provide entertainment in our towns that does not involve alcohol. Is it?
In my opinion, the idea that a 'drunk tank' is part of the solution is completely out of all logic.
Allowing establishments to continue unabated to operate a business that's based totally on uncontrolled consumption of alcohol is part of the problem.
I'm not talking about prohibition or partial selective bans (like smoking). I'm really thinking about using some government funding to bring about a cultural change for a darn good night out for all that doesn't involve 24 hour competitive drinking.
Oh, wait!! The world doesn't work like that, does it.
Ah, I must've been on the 'sauce' again.