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Thread: HELP!! Advice on Child Custody/Guardianship Letter

  1. #1
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    HELP!! Advice on Child Custody/Guardianship Letter

    We are going to lodge our application for my fiancee visa this coming April and I am bothered on how to present my child's custody/guardianship letter for my 4 year old daughter.

    Before I left The PI last year for a 5 months holiday in The UK, I enrolled my daughter in a private school near where we live for her to get busy and at the same time start learning properly while Im away. We remained in contact and even seen her many times using my sisters skype and chat to her. She finished nursery today and ready to proceed to the next level in this coming school year.

    My sister along with my parents looked after her when I was in England for my holiday. We supported her studies all through out and all her needs from food, clothes, etc etc. I even asked her many times if she wants to come with me to the UK and study there if she likes but she declined. She said she cant live without her aunts, uncles, nans and shes enjoying school.

    My problem now is how will I state or present this situation to the ECO? I know I will write a cover letter showing that they agree to look after her, with their signatures to act as her guardians during my absence in the PI. I dont want to force my daughter to come with me and be selfish by taking all her happiness from her. We are also planning to take her to England to stay with us in future when she is ready enough.

    Another thing is, do I need or is it best to hire a lawyer to do it for me and get it notarised even if it is just a temporary custody? What is the best option in my case?

    I know that if we wont present something that shows she is in good hands then there is a possibility for my visa to be refused.

    Hope you can help me.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you risk problems in the future with regards to 'sole responsibility' if you did apply for a visa for her to join you in the UK if you left her behind, as there is a good chance the embassy will say that your sister or parents have 'sole responsibility' not you.

    you should think long and hard b4 you do anything.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    I hate to say this although it is just my personal opinion will not be an easy task by any means I would most defiantly seek a legal opinion from a immigration lawyer and then use them if they think you have a chance

    As above I think you have a lot to consider

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