funny how one minute life is great then the next life is not so great, the news you see and read and just life itself, last week i received a call from the ex, she was explaining this and that about the kids and looking after them, they are both 24 and 20 and they live with me, anyway she said afterwards tha she did not call for this but she has news. She has cancer, what a shock and i can say i just shouted with anger, she found out that day, cancer of the womb, this was tuesday, last week and on monday she had a full body scan to see if it has spread, it had not and on tuesday this week she had a hysterectomy and the kids have told me she is doing well, 3 days in hospital and another 6 weeks rest, i know i have a new life and i am very happy and lucky too, but my thoughts for the ex was kindness, just goes to show you how life can change so quicky for any of us