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Thread: 42% of Pinoy Internet users favor online dating: poll

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb 42% of Pinoy Internet users favor online dating: poll

    At least 42% of Filipino Internet users regard the Web as a good place to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, a new BBC World Service global poll revealed.

    The poll, which was conducted by Canada-based poll firm GlobeScan, interviewed 372 Filipino Internet users in the National Capital Region from December 8, 2009 to January 10, 2010.

    A total of 10,976 Internet users across 19 countries were interviewed in the survey.

    It showed that India and Pakistan are among the countries with the greatest numbers of enthusiasts for Internet introductions. Fifty-nine per cent of Indians and 60 per cent of Pakistanis who use the Internet regard it as a good place to find a partner.

    Other countries where high proportions of Internet users feel the same way include Ghana (47%) and the Philippines (42%). In contrast, fewer Americans (21%), South Koreans (16%), British (28%), and French (27%) think the idea of finding a partner online was a good one.

    “This shows what a major role the Internet now plays in the lives of millions of people around the world. For many, and particularly in the developing world, it’s not just somewhere to work, shop, or communicate with friends, but a credible way of finding a partner in life," GlobeScan Research Director Sam Mountford said in a statement.

    This finding is part of a wider survey for SuperPower (, a major BBC season of programs starting March 8 exploring the extraordinary power of the Internet.

    SuperPower will be examining the impact of the Internet on all aspects of life including business, politics, democracy, and empowerment as well as relations between people in all parts of the world

    Source here

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
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    thats where i found my Em and i am so glad i did

  3. #3
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    Hmmmm our country has a higher percentage cause most people here either very workaholic and no time for "socializing" or can't find a single man cause our countries ratio of men to women is 1:3, i guy for 3 gals plus there is also a high percentage here of gays so minus again so the ratio might be 1:6 then another most single men here are either 'tambays' no work or with work but workaholic ..... im counted among the ladies into net dating

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