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Thread: steve and ems holiday part 10

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    steve and ems holiday part 10

    i nearly forgot this, i hear you all sigh, anyway back into manila from the holiday with the family, and me and emma was going to stay at her dads place for 2 nights, this i was not looking forward too, mainly because i like a little luxury, but low and behold, all went well, just had a few mosi bits to sho off, being married to emma has made me part of the family and it did show in how i was treated this time too, the 2 days went by very quick and soon we was going back to the airport for mine and emmas holiday alone, bohol and panglao was our home for 5 whole days, this i was really looking forward too and i hope emma was too, the flight was on time and just over 50 mins we was in bohol straight into a taxi and onto panglao, our accomodation was del puedlo a new small complex, walking distance to alona beach, very nice with pool and only 950 pesos a night a bargin,walking into alona for food each day and some nights was good too, i find that when walking together you hold hands and talk more,we ate out everynight either on the beach or just inland and the prices was very good too, and the fod was fantastic freashly cooked not matter what you ordered,.Alona beach was beautiful i liked this place better then borocay, just my thought you understand,the water so clean and shallow and not to busy either, and what i liked was that you could site anywhere and order just a water and you could use that chair all day long with out ordering anything else, we tried to get to the beach by 11am to 12 and then stay till it was dark the be in the pool about 9 just to wash the salt off our bodies.everydaytheweather was good so we desided to hire a motorbike then go to the chocolate hills, next morning the bike was delivered and i did a quick test, not having rode a bike for a good 20+ years there was a few wobbles and even managed to pull a wheely, ems face was a picture, are you sure you can ride that was her question, i was just thinking that too i thought.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    sorry but i am not losing thisor pasting it too,anyway, i thought i was ok now, so on the bike emma got and away we went, out of panglao and using the gears we was going well, so i thought better get some fuel before we run out, trying to slow down and brake while changing down gears without a clutch was fun but we managed and even pulling into the fuel station was fun too. Into bohol the roads are busy but i was keeping pace with others and even passing others, well people really pippipipipipip on my little horn and onwards we went, p[assed a accident between 2 motorbikes they was still in the road and people was directing the trafic, that made em look at me and wonder WHY. We turned of the highway and upward into the hills and on and on we went climbing and overtaking others too and on and on we went, Em was getting a little sore she kept on saying, i told her not much longer but i was wrong, onward and upwards we climbed then having reach the top we was on the way down after a couple of hours ridding the bike we had a pee stop for em , you thought that was for me didnt you, anyway watching her get of the bike and walk to the loos, just reminded me of john wayne getting of his horse poor em, i ask her to ask the chap how much longer to them hills just in case we had missed them, just 1 kilometer up the road was his answer, phew i thought, come on em i said and having coached her back on with food we was off. The chocolate hills well yes i am glad we went and i can say i have been there, they site you see is not like any picture you see on the internet, dont get me wrong, its a place you must go too if you are there but i would not go there again. After lots of pictures and dinner we set of and enjoying the trip back and going a little quicker too, the clouds was gathering and getting darker too, then the rain started, its hot and i am in shorts and tee shirt and its cool with the rain on me, thn it gets harded and harded do we shelter for a while em so off we pulled, the rain had gone so off we set again only to catch the rain up again, this happened a few times, but we did not want to be out afer dark on the bikes so on we pressed, it was fun and once we was wet we was wet, got back to out place and my shoes squelched and it took them 2 days to dry out, but it was fun really did enjoy that trip, the next few days was just walking to the beach and watching the world go by,i must say you dont get people every time trying to sell you glasses and watches and everything else, but i did buy some glasses as mine did break. Panglao is a beautiful place infact its the place that i would call home oneday if all goes well,just one more chapter to go lads and lases coming soon

  3. #3
    Respected Member Dakila's Avatar
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    Post some pictures Steve

  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi Steve and Emma, thanks again for your holiday account, I really liked being at the Chockalate hills when I was there

    Bohol is a lovely area, am smiling thinking of you riding a motor bike after 20 years, that was brave

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thanks mick, they say you never loose it just like ridding a bike,it soon came back

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Good write up - bargain accomodation and that Alona beach sounds excellent compared with tired old rip off Boracay

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    that was very entertaining reading, made me laugh in parts, i could almost see you biking

    would be great to see some pics

  8. #8
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i will try and get some pictures on here, but ther all on facebook if you want to add me on ther or emmas site

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Trusted Member
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    Well done Steve, thanks for your holiday instalments, I've seen your great pics on facebook, but members here appreciate your effort .

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Wow, happy memories

  12. #12
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Another entertaining installment, well done Steve and I really feel for poor Emma on the back of that bike!

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