Originally posted by admin@Aug 5 2005, 10:19 AM
One thing that lets a lot of Westerners down when they visit a Filipino lady for the first time is cleanliness. They don't like smelly guys, unshaven, badly dressed, shirts hanging out.....etc......
Best thing to do is look in the mirror and ask 'Would YOU have sex with this guy?'
If you don't shower or bath every day, they'll soon start moving further and further away from you.
....and change your bloody underwear every day, we are no longer in the Blitz :blink:
its a very good point, you have to be immaculate if you want a Filiipina to have sex with you, you hve to be really constantly taking care of your hygiene, Filipina's are in the bathroom so much the might as well move in it..Admin is right of course, they find it offensive, if you have unpleasant smells, dont shave, they dont like it, your face should be like a baby's bottom, badly dressed is also a good point, just look at Filipino's in the malls, they are generally immaculate in their dress, its highly noticable when a couple of Joe's are wandering around the mall, dressed in a sleevless T Shirt and a pair of shorts that look like they used to them to paint the house, and a pair of flip flops.
A Filipina freind of mine told me, that when she was considering dating a Western guy, she was told by her amigas "Oh they smell dont they" pity we all get tarred with tthe same brush, cos some of them had a whiff of some sweaty guy...in an elevator somewhere in Makati.
Anyway if you want to have sex with a Filipina, you really should thoroughly shower before commencement, even better take her with you in the shower, and spend some time, just remember anything that goes in the mouth should be immaculate, and for the Filipina..vice versa, it cuts both ways.