Originally posted by admin@Aug 10 2005, 07:34 AM
So where does the paper come from before it's recycled then?

Plus we drink coffee, tea, use tobacco, etc, this all leads to the destruction of rain forests.
So does the pollution from industry required to build computers, power mainframes, provide your house with electricity in order to allow you to run your racing site....

Every activity, from a polar bear emptying an arctic lake of fish in order to eat, to the Saudis drilling out all the oil under their land in order for humans to survive, has an arguably negative environmental impact. Whilst every effort should be made to minimise wastage and inefficiency and to ustilise sustainable/renewable forms of energy, if you take the view that any activity with an environmental impact is, overall, a negative one to be avoided, then we wouldn't be able to survive - and neither would the polar bear.