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Thread: Deviant Doctor barred after 20 years of sex abuse

  1. #1
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    Deviant Doctor barred after 20 years of sex abuse

    Dr Navin Zala, 62, carried on as a GP despite facing at least nine different complaints, a series of police investigations, and four criminal trials – none of which ended in a conviction.

    Barred from General Practice but the GMC have yet to strike him off

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    This thread disappoints, but doesn't surprise, me.
    In 2010 the GMC erased 73 doctors out of nearly 240,000 registered in the UK.
    The system may not be perfect, perhaps more should be struck off. I've explained before how it works.
    However, as one of the 2,999 / 3,000 doctors NOT struck off, I prefer to post threads which hopefully are informative and helpful to the members from Philippines and UK. They're mostly on the Health section of the forum. Constructive responses - or new threads - are always appreciated .

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    This in no way reflects on you Alan, everyone carries the greatest respect for you and your posts.

    It is just another doom story of one sad individual in the press.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    I think the issue is that it is almost impossible for Doctors like Teachers to be struck off/dismissed from the profession and the bad apples can remain for years.

    The guy in this case seems to have escaped criminal conviction by the skin of his teeth a number of times over 20 years and yet the GMC Star Chamber have still not struck him off, which (I may be wrong about this) leaves him free to operate in areas of the medical field other than General Practice.

    It would help public confidence in the NHS if ineffective, cheating, underperforming and criminal elements of the profession, although few in number were seen to be dealt with in the same manner as they would be if in other occupations.

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